《NI生产设备驱动程序》NI Device Drivers 2012.02

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《NI生产设备驱动程序》NI Device Drivers 2012.02

美国国家仪器公司 National Instruments产品设备驱动程序的全部资源。
美国国家仪器公司 National Instruments出台NI Device Drivers 2012,最新版本的仪器驱动简化的了仪器的操控,并通过消除需对每个仪器编程协议的学习而减少测试程序开发时间。人人素材整理发布。

NI Device Drivers 2012.02 | 6.6 Gb

National Instruments introduced NI Device Drivers 2012, the latest version instrument drivers simplify instrument control and reduce test program development time by eliminating the bbs.renrencg.cn need to learn programming protocols for each instrument.

Benefits of LabVIEW Instrument Drivers to Your Customers

LabVIEW is the industry standard for instrument connectivity. With a LabVIEW instrument driver, your customers benefit from the following:

- Versatility with a robust, high quality instrument driver that includes a complete set of functions
- Certification and support by National Instruments
- Multiple platform support: LabVIEW instrument drivers and code transfers across Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and Sun Solaris platforms
- Complete flexibility for the user: Instrument driver source code is easily accessible

In addition, by developing LabVIEW instrument drivers, your customers can leverage software technologies that are already included with the LabVIEW development environment, including:

- Analysis: Perform powerful analysis like Fast Fourier transform, power spectrum, frequency response, digital signal processing, and more
Control, simulate, and design using specialized toolkits
- Presentation: Control instruments remotely over the internet instantly, Publish web reports, Generate Microsoft Office reports, Connect to databases

New Features Added in NI-DAQmx 9.5.5

The following features were added in NI-DAQmx 9.5.5:

- Support for LabVIEW 2012
- Revised LabVIEW examples
- NI-DAQmx Sample Projects for LabVIEW

Fixed Issues

The following issues were fixed in NI-DAQmx 9.5.5:

- Improve the reliability of NI Device Loader
- Serial C Series DO devices might output incorrect data if task configuration is changed after task is Committed
- NI 4461 AO self-calibrates incorrectly every alternate run

NI-VISA 5.1.2

For a list of Known Issues of NI-VISA 5.1.2, visit ni.com/info and enter the Info Code: this
For a list of Bug Fixes for NI-VISA, visit ni.com/info and enter the Info Code: this

Company Overview

National Instruments transforms the way engineers and scientists around the world design, prototype, and deploy systems for test, control, and embedded design applications. Using NI open graphical programming software and modular hardware, customers at more than 30,000 companies annually simplify development, increase productivity, and dramatically reduce time to market. From testing next-generation gaming systems to creating breakthrough medical devices, NI customers continuously develop innovative technologies that impact millions of people.



