《CAD/CAM/CAE集成解决方案》Siemens PLM NX MP01 Update

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《CAD/CAM/CAE集成解决方案》Siemens PLM NX MP01 Update-图片1 

Siemens PLM Software推出了NX 8软件,该软件是Siemens PLM Software将计算机辅助设计、制造和工程分析(CAD/CAM/CAE)完全集成的解决方案。NX 8在其CAE方案中加入了大量的增强功能——包括NX Nastran软件。NX 8的发布展示了在整个NX设计和制造模块中基于Siemens PLM Software的全息PLM(HD-PLM)愿景,并且扩大了其为机械行业提供数字化制造产品的产品组合。
Siemens PLM Software公司产品工程软件部副总裁Jim Rusk表示:“NX 8代表了世界上领先数字化产品开发系统的重大演进。我们无可比拟的CAE解决方案经过进一步扩展,使用户能够在虚拟环境中更好地识别和消除问题,避免其演变成为真实世界中的问题。这种优化产品性能的能力,加上对NX设计和制造功能的大量增强,将帮助我们的用户进一步降低成本,缩短开发时间,并且做出有利于产出更优质产品的更加明智的决策。”
各个行业的企业都在不断借助仿真软件来验证产品的功能、可制造性和可维护性,提升产品质量和改善产品外观。40多年来,Siemens PLM Software所提供的解决方案一直在帮助企业应对全球最严峻的建模和分析挑战,包括从结构的线性和非线性有限元分析(FEA)到热分析、运动分析和耐久性分析,以及流体和气流对产品的影响。NX CAE既可作为独立的仿真解决方案使用,也可作为NX产品开发套件中一个完全集成的组件。因此,它为企业提供了多种有效的方案部署方式。此外,与Siemens PLM Software的开放性业务模式保持一致,NX CAE可通过虚拟方式与所有领先的FEA解决方案以及Siemens PLM Software自有的NX Nastran配合使用。NX CAE的用户还可从多种来源导入几何图形,并可通过同步建模技术(Siemens PLM Software开发的一种能够将直接建模的速度和灵活性与尺寸驱动设计的精确控制有机结合的创新技术)轻松修改几何图形,满足快速模拟分析的需要。
NX 8的仿真功能提供了用于优化和多物理场分析的新型解决方案,以及用于分析复杂组件的新方法。NX Nastran的增强功能包括得到改进的非线性和动态分析,还有计算性能和建模易用性的提升。与传统CAE工具相比,NX CAE的新旧功能使准备和解决分析模型的时间最多可缩短70%。
多学科仿真和优化增强功能,使NX CAE的应用范围扩大到了新的拓扑优化和多物理场分析解决方案。
CIMdata公司仿真与分析业务经理Keith Meintjes博士表示:“NX CAE有可能改变仿真的游戏规则。NX CAE是一套完整的仿真工具,有助于实现多领域分析和协作。此外,NX CAE内嵌的同步建模技术能够帮助CAE专家轻松接受来自多个CAD资源的模型,并可快速理想化、修改和创建分析所需的几何图形。这使得几何图形进入CAE迭代循环组,使CAE能够推动设计过程,而不仅仅是响应由CAD专家创建的设计模型。Siemens PLM Software对NX CAE的总体愿景、投资和相关的技术开发蓝图正在形成一个综合的、高产出的仿真和分析环境,该环境对那些甚至未曾使用NX作为其CAD制作工具的企业也能够适用。”
除了仿真解决方案以外,NX 8还在其整个设计和制造功能中提供各种增强功能和新功能,提高产品开发的综合生产力。
NX 8制造能力的增强包括集中在机械和模具设计的新功能或扩展功能,例如针对机床和重型设备部件生产优化的NC程序设计,以及整合了模具设计自动化与基于CAE的验证工具的改进功能。因此,NX 8能够通过提供一次成型的设计帮助机械和模具公司获得更多的高产值项目。
NX CAM针对机床和重型设备的增强功能通过全新自动化的、针对特定情境的功能,扩展了现有的CAD/CAM、编程自动化和整合的机械工具仿真能力,从而简化了为加工部件生成智能工具路径的过程。NX CAM提供基于体积的新型2.5D铣削操作,提高了程序设计,并能够在多环节机械加工流程中对未切削材料进行自动跟踪,加快了针对多部件设置的编程自动化的速度。由此可见,NX CAM是机械加工行业首选的快速、高精度加工解决方案。
NX 8在产品设计方面的增强功能包括更强大且更高效的建模、制图和验证解决方案,以及有利于做出更明智设计决策的扩展性HD3D支持。
NX 8中的特征建模得到了多方面的加强,包括在创建阵列中更多的灵活性和可控性。更多的阵列模式也可被创作出来,包括直线、多边形、引导曲线、参照物和圆形螺旋。用户现在可以用某个特征阵列填充至指定的边界,在线性布局中创造对称阵列和更多图形。

Siemens PLM NX MP01 Update | 361.0 mb

With new tools and expanded capabilities for design, simulation, and manufacturing, NX 8 can help you make more informed decisions and develop more innovative products.

NX is a next-generation digital product development system that helps companies transform the product lifecycle. With the industry's broadest suite of integrated, fully associative CAD/CAM/CAE applications, NX touches the full range of development processes in product design, manufacturing and simulation.

NX provides a complete suite of integrated process automation tools to enable companies to capture and reuse product and process knowledge encouraging the use of corporate best practice.

Enhancements to NX 8 in the area of product design include more powerful and efficient modeling, drafting and validation solutions along with expanded HD3D support for better design decisions.

- New “part modules” technology simplifies modeling and editing of complex designs, allowing users to subdivide designs into functional elements that support concurrent development by multiple designers.
- Expanded HD3D and design validation tools provide enhanced interaction, more powerful reporting and enriched visual presentation of PLM information from more sources. Standard HD3D features now provide a visually rich and more flexible feedback environment to help users quickly locate, diagnose and fix problems, ensuring designs comply with standards and fulfill requirements.
- Synchronous technology enhancements make it simpler and easier to modify models and handle a wider range of geometric modeling problems, while new capabilities have been added for feature-based modeling, sheet metal, patterning, freeform design, routed systems, visualization and more.
- Feature modeling in NX 8 has received several enhancements including more flexibility and control in creating patterns. More pattern layouts can be created including linear, polygon, along, reference and circular spiral, and users can now fill specified boundaries with a pattern feature, create symmetric patterns in linear layout and much more.

The problem in Translators where some DXF files failed to import on Linux64 is fixed.
The problem in Translators where importing some DWG files failed on Linux64 is fixed.
The problem in Manufacturing where the Tagging Attributes to Features dialog displayed Attribute Name in the wrong location is fixed.
The problem in Assemblies where a Fillet Weld feature was deleted during feature edit if it shared a linked face is fixed.
The problem where the NX to JT translator failed to tessellate deformable features is fixed.
In Advanced Simulation the post-processing of ‘shell resultants' is enhanced to allow results with respect to the material coordinate system or other arbitrary coordinate system.
The problem where certain bitmap files failed to display in dialogs is fixed.
The problem in Manufacturing where Planar Milling toolpath generation caused an error is fixed.
The problem in Translators where importing some DXF files on Linux64 caused errors is fixed.
The problem where text did not display in the Check-Mate Info View window on Linux64 when running with codeset ISO-8859-15 is fixed.
The problem in Modeling where Import Part with CAM-Objects failed and caused errors is fixed.
The problem in Mold Wizard where some parameter values previously set with a dialog slider were reset is fixed.
The problem in Progressive Die where locking attributes caused the standard part to become invalid is fixed.
The problem in Teamcenter Integration for NX where the wrong item type was assigned when creating a second new part is fixed.
The problem in Teamcenter Integration for NX where the Item Name was populated with the Item Number instead is fixed.
The problem where the Custom Symbol Library installation script was not documented on Linux64 is fixed.
The problem where some legacy assemblies failed to open due to invalid constraint data is fixed.
The problem in NX Open where the dynamic deviation analysis object functions did not report correct results to custom applications is fixed.
The problem where verifying a part family resulted in an error is fixed.
The problem in Drafting where Saving some assembly drawings with PMI dimensions caused errors is fixed.
The problem where the Assembly Navigator Representation column showed the incorrect indicator for some components after various modification operations is fixed.
The problem where the Teamcenter preference "TC_session_clearance = block" was not honored is fixed.
The problem in NX Open where the Open C function uc1653 sometimes returned the wrong view information after the selection of an object is fixed.
The problem in Drafting where the performance while creating an area fill was slow is improved.
The problem where residual references to deleted Project Curve features caused Assemblies Cloning to fail is fixed.
The problem in NX Open where an API was not available to report Check-Mate out-of-date-status is fixed.
The problem in Teamcenter Integration for NX where exporting modified files failed unless they were saved first is fixed.
The problem in Drafting where crosshatching was not created correctly on an extruded cylindrical face when selected by the Selection Intent Face option is fixed.
The problem where hidden construction geometry was highlighted when a custom KF feature was selected is fixed.
The problem where PDF export produced incorrect images on Windows64 is fixed.
The problem in Assemblies where Sequence Motion Envelopes based on Lightweight loaded components were incorrect is fixed.
The problem where the previous feature of a feature group was not made the current feature when the feature group was activated is fixed.
The problem in Assemblies where some assemblies could not be opened is fixed.
The problem in Advanced Simulation where the Post Processor results for Thermal/ Flow and Mass flow were incorrect is fixed.
The problem in Knowledge Fusion where the performance of Tools -> Materials -> Assign was slow is improved.
The problem in Teamcenter Integration for NX where changes to the Named Reference of a JT dataset were not visible in NX unless the session was restarted is fixed.
The problem where certain parts failed to open is fixed.
The problem where part files failed to open, with the message: "An attempted schema conversion required an option not available yet" is fixed.
The problem in Drafting where annotations were not updated after a Save As if they referenced mapped database attributes is fixed.
The problem where certain legacy parts failed to open is fixed.

About Siemens PLM Software

Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division, is a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services with 6.7 million licensed seats and more than 69,500 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens PLM Software works collaboratively with companies to deliver open solutions that help them turn more ideas into successful products.

《CAD/CAM/CAE集成解决方案》Siemens PLM NX MP01 Update-图片2





