《大型矿山工程软件》Gemcom Surpac 6.3

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《大型矿山工程软件》Gemcom Surpac 6.3-图片1 

Gemcom Surpac 6.3大型三维数字 矿业软件包,有着深远的行业背景和扎实可靠的技术基础,面向全世界多个国家的地勘业和采矿业,可以提供满足不同需求的实用软件模块,是高度综合集成、高价值、多种语言支持的专业软件包,是全球数字矿业软件的领导者。 2006年,SURPAC公司与GEMCOM公司合并之后,GEMCOM公司成为了全球最大的矿业软件公司,也是全球唯一一家上市的三维矿业软件公司,市值不断上升。 目前,SURPAC软件在全球90多个国家中有6000多家用户,全世界前十 的矿业公司,都在用GEMCOM公司的软件,特别是许多金属、贵金属矿业公司都是SURPAC的忠实用户,如: BHP/ Billiton(必和必拓);WMC Resources Ltd(西部矿业);Placer Dome (普雷斯特);Anglo American Corp (英美矿业);INCO Limited 等。 在中国,SURPAC在矿山和地质勘探领域拥有众多用户。由于SURPAC软件功能 大,易学易用,用户能够获得本地化的技术培训和支持,SURPAC在中国获得高速增长,目前,我国露天矿山、地下矿山、矿山设计及研究院所、地质勘查单位、矿业大学等领域超过100家单位在使用SURPAC软件



《大型矿山工程软件》Gemcom Surpac 6.3-图片2
Gemcom Software International Inc., the largest global supplier of mining software solutions, announced that it has released the latest version of Gemcom Surpac 6.3, the world’s most popular geology and mine planning software.

Suitable for every commodity and mining method, Surpac drives efficiency and productivity through ease-of-use and workflow automation; addressing the requirements of geologists, surveyors and mining engineers. Surpac 6.3 significantly increases efficiency for users by providing enhancements in the areas of solids validation, pit design, block modelling, efficient CAD import, and support of third party file formats.

A key feature of this release is its innovative new solids repair functionality, which reduces manual solids validation time from days to minutes. New auto correction repairs invalid solids, while manual repair allows for a detailed examination of each problem area within spatial context.

Additional benefits of the solids repair function include:

- New solids repair panel enables easy visualisation of problem areas.
- Autocorrect feature locates invalid triangles and repairs on a case by case basis.
- Manual repair includes the same functionality as autocorrect with the ability to examine problems in more detail.
- Validation report generation documents any corrections performed.

Surpac 6.3 also features many developments that will greatly enhance the user experience, including improved distance estimation that is up to 100 times faster, and a 15% performance increase in all block modelling estimation techniques. Pit design functionality has been enhanced to allow the creation of pit designs using block models for slope angle and berm width, in order to better cater to variation in rock type and geotechnical characteristics. Alternative pit designs can be rapidly generated using the new multi bench design function. Additionally, improved digitising and point snap features, along with more efficient CAD import, and increased support for third-party file formats such as AutoCAD, all contribute towards a significant increase in productivity and time savings.

For more information about Surpac 6.3, including an overview video highlighting the new features

About Gemcom

When mining companies seek to increase mine productivity, they turn to Gemcom for technology and services. The Company is home to world-renowned mining solutions like GEMS, Surpac, Minex, Whittle, and InSite, and to industry thought leaders who are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in mining. Established in 1985, Gemcom has a global reach delivering comprehensive solutions in all major mining centres in more than 130 countries. Every major mining company, including BHP Billiton, Codelco, De Beers, Newmont and Vale is a Gemcom client. Through a combination of organic growth and strategic acquisitions, the Company has become the largest global supplier of mining software solutions.

《大型矿山工程软件》Gemcom Surpac 6.3-图片3






