《达芬奇9基础入门视频教程》cmiVFX DaVinci Resolve Introduction

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《达芬奇9基础入门视频教程》cmiVFX DaVinci Resolve Introduction-图片1

本视频教程是由cmiVFX 机构出品的达芬奇9基础入门视频教程,时长:2小时25分,格式:MP4视频格式,教程使用软件:DaVinci Resolve,作者:Eric Whitehead,官方发布时间:2012年7月31日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。

本教学综合展示了这个经过大量重新编写的行业标准校色系统的新功能。用最快的方式从Resolve 9中学到更多的东西。

DaVinci Resolve Introduction
cmiVFX has released DaVinci Resolve 9 Beta - FastTrack. Get the most from the Resolve 9 public beta now. This Emmy award winning DaVinci color correction product has had a massive upgrade and we are here to help you find all of its new features. One strong aspect of this new Resolve 9 offering is its GUI and workflow. Mike Burton eases the transition to this new interface and fasttracks you to experience speed now possible in Resolve 9. Further, explore the new log grading features. A wonderful new level of control is presented bbs.renrencg.cn here in a very no nonsense fashion, geared for the production professional. The feature list of this Davinci Resolve 9 release is as long as your arm. Do not wade through the bits and pieces all over the internet. Explore this massive public beta with a professional. As part of the Resolve beta program, Mike Burton and cmiVFX are here to offer a resource for the professional.

Short Description
Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve 9 - Fasttrack cmiVFX Workshop presents a comprehensive viewing of the new features in this massive rewrite of an industry standard color correction system. Get the most out of the NEW Resolve 9 in the fastest way possible. Let Mike Burton help you find the speed that the new workflow and GUI offers.

《达芬奇9基础入门视频教程》cmiVFX DaVinci Resolve Introduction-图片2《达芬奇9基础入门视频教程》cmiVFX DaVinci Resolve Introduction-图片2《达芬奇9基础入门视频教程》cmiVFX DaVinci Resolve Introduction-图片2《达芬奇9基础入门视频教程》cmiVFX DaVinci Resolve Introduction-图片2《达芬奇9基础入门视频教程》cmiVFX DaVinci Resolve Introduction-图片2《达芬奇9基础入门视频教程》cmiVFX DaVinci Resolve Introduction-图片2



