《立体3D动画基础理论视频教程》video2brain Stereoscopic 3D Motion Graphics Workshop English

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《立体3D动画基础理论视频教程》video2brain Stereoscopic 3D Motion Graphics Workshop English

本视频教程是由video2brain 机构出品的立体3D动画基础理论视频教程,时长:1小时,大小:735 MB,MP4视频格式,作者:Angie Taylor,官方发布时间:2011年8月24日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。

video2brain Stereoscopic 3D Motion Graphics Workshop English
In this rr-sc.com workshop, you’ll work along with Angie Taylor as she uses After Effects to create a title sequence in stereoscopic 3D. Along the way you’ll learn the fundamentals of how stereoscopy works and how After Effects creates the illusion of depth in a moving image. You’ll also see how to combine bbs.renrencg.cn 2D tracking and some basic 3D animation to create a 3D tracking effect, and how to work with effects, transparency, and styles. After completing this workshop you’ll understand the complete workflow involved in creating stereo 3D, from setting up a stereo 3D rig, to compositing footage and adjusting settings, to adding finishing touches like depth of field and motion blur.




