《Eyeon专业级影视合成软件》Eyeon Fusion 6.4 Build 1092 x32/x64

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《Eyeon专业级影视合成软件》Eyeon Fusion 6.4 Build 1092 x32/x64-图片1

Fusion 是eyeon公司旗舰产品,该产品是eyeon公司强有力的合成器,使用了新的图形引擎,能够将整体性能提升一个台阶并能更使得内存使用效率提高,可以在每一个像素上以8bit,16bit或者以浮点方式来运行。创建以时间线为基础的缓存实时播放的部分。 人人CG整理发布。

Fusion 包含了许多新的特点及增强的工作流程。具有真实的3D环境支持,是市场上最有效的3D粒子系统。通过3D硬件加速,你现在可以在一个程序内就可以实现从Pre-Vis到finals的转变。eyeon's Fusion 是真正的2D和3D协同终极合成器。 

利用eyeon **性的集群技术可以通过网络扩展富有传奇色彩的计算性能。Fusion 的网络渲染一直以来与其他批处理渲染技术相比属于高端技术的应用。强劲有力的集群技术,能够将多台工作站有效的连接组成高级的网络工作环境,通过网络render farm的聚合处理能力,整个环境能够连续的按照次序渲染工作任务。 

《Eyeon专业级影视合成软件》Eyeon Fusion 6.4 Build 1092 x32/x64-图片2 
Eyeon Fusion 6.4 Build 1092 x32/x64
Fulfilling yet another stellar roster of development, eyeon Software released Fusion 6.4, highlighting another major update to what has been continuously benchmarked as the fastest compositor on the market today.

What’s New with Fusion

- Connect to AVID
The Fusion 6.4 release includes a number of major features, such as the recently-acclaimed eyeon Connection® for a streamlined workflow with AVID editing systems, bringing the power of Fusion directly into the AVID timeline.

- Camera Support
eyeon continues to extend the support of leading capturing technologies with the direct ARRI raw format loading from Alexa cameras, Vision Research Phantom Cine raw loading, together with RED, making a comprehensive color pipeline for Digital Cinema cameras. Only Fusion can analyze, display, playback, compare, and tune the color telemetry and transcode to many formats. With Scopes, 3DLuts, professional 3D monitor support, and added support for Panalog, Sony S-Log, ARRI LogC, Canon Log, RED Log, Viper, it is possible to mix many camera formats and achieve a consistent look. For comprehensive integration, ARRI color spaces have been added to Fusion’s Gamut tool.

《Eyeon专业级影视合成软件》Eyeon Fusion 6.4 Build 1092 x32/x64-图片3 

- Advanced 3D and Geometry Particles
Considered by advanced artists as possibly one of the most exciting developments in Fusion, Replicate 3D is a new tool bbs.renrencg.cn that allows for Geometry Particles. To replicate 3D shapes at the vertex positions of any mesh offers unlimited potential. In addition, this extreme 3D tool sports the full set of Jitter and Transform options seen in Duplicate3D.

- Scripting
eyeonScript now contains LPeg, an extensive pattern-matching library for Lua.

- Additional Updates
Support for the PFTrack lens distortion model has been added to the LensDistort tool to further ensure a seamless pipeline with the PixelFarm products.



