Siemens公司产品全生命周期管理(PLM)软件 NX MP03 升级包

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Siemens公司产品全生命周期管理(PLM)软件 NX MP03 升级包-图片1
Siemens PLM NX MP03 Update | 464.1 mb

       借助在产品开发上引入精确描述PLM,Siemens PLM NX正重新定义在整合计算机辅助设计/制造及仿真分析上的生产力。Siemens PLM NX通过精确描述plm的技术框架,显著提升其制定卓有成效的产品决策的能力。
       Siemens PLM NX是助力企业转变产品全生命周期的新一代信息化开发系统。集成广泛的业界套装和与CAD/CAM/CAE程序的充分协同,nx已涉及到从产品设计、制造及仿真分析的整个生产开发流程。

NX 7.0引入了“HD3D”(三维精确描述)功能,即一个开放、直观的可视化环境,有助于全球产品开发团队充分发掘PLM信息的价值,并显著提升其制定卓有成效的产品决策的能力。此外,NX 7.0还新增了同步建模技术的增强功能。同步建模技术是Siemens PLM Software于去年推出的用于提高计算机辅助设计、制造及仿真分析(CAD/CAM/CAE)效率的技术,面世后广受赞誉。新的增强功能将进一步提高各类产品的开发速度,扩展NX无与伦比的与第三方CAD应用数据有效协同工作的能力。

Siemens PLM Software产品设计解决方案部门副总裁Joan Hirsch表示:“我们推出同步建模技术并将其应用于NX软件不仅赢得了绝大多数CAD/CAM/CAE专家和业界分析人士的高度赞誉,更重要的是,它得到部署了该软件以提高生产力的众多企业的充分肯定。今天发布的NX 7.0新增了同步建模技术的增强功能,并引入创新的可接受各种来源数据的HD3D环境,为产品开发的‘精确描述’可视化分析确立了新的标准。”

行业分析公司CPDA的PLM研究总监Ken Versprille博士称同步建模技术是“20年来三维实体建模领域最重要的突破性技术之一”。通过进一步改进同步建模技术以提高效率、增加原有数据的重用率以及提高与众多第三方CAD系统之间的互操作性,NX 7.0在建模的灵活性和生产力方面树立起了牢固的领先地位。


     Bringing High Definition PLM to product development, Siemens PLM NX redefines productivity with a powerful suite of integrated CAD, CAE and CAM solutions. Siemens PLM NX takes full advantage of the High Definition PLM Technology Framework to improve decision making throughout the product development process.

NX is a next-generation digital product development system that helps companies transform the product lifecycle. With the industry's broadest suite of integrated, fully associative CAD/CAM/CAE applications, NX touches the full range of development processes in product design, manufacturing and simulation.

We are pleased to inform you that fixes are available for the problems listed below. This maintenance pack fixes an accumulation of problems listed in the table below.
The problem in the DXF-DWG translator where some dimensions were distorted is fixed.
The problem in Teamcenter Integration for NX where the revision rule 'Set Unit Number' entry under Assembly Load Options did not accept a valid unit number is fixed.
The problem in Drafting where a Centerline was missing following a 2D Exchange translation is fixed.
The problem in Drafting where GD&T symbols and the datum symbols were not exporting correctly through the 2D Exchange Translator is fixed.
The problem in Drafting where inherited PMI annotations were not correctly aligned to the drawing is fixed.
The problem in Drafting where the text size of a PMI label was incorrect is fixed.
The problem in Manufacturing where running Simulate Machine Code File on a 19MB file caused a Memory Overflow error is fixed.
The problem in Assemblies where the performance when loading assemblies containing center constraints was slow has been improved.
The problem in Creating a Weld Point where no overlap was created when the Reference Sheet option was set to Overlap is fixed.
The problem in Routing where editing a spline would incorrectly create position overrides in the attached components is fixed.
The problem in Manufacturing Post Builder where saving a legacy post removed the last move of a gohome event is fixed.
The problem in Modeling where deleting an unrelated upstream feature caused a downstream Linked Composite Curve feature to have a Broken Link status is fixed.
The problem in Modeling where some lines lost end tangency constraints after a model update is fixed.
The problem in Mold Wizard where the Create Pocket command created, in the top assembly, Subtract features which subsequently failed to update is fixed.
The problem where annotation was not imported onto a drawing in the correct location is fixed.
The problem where updating a Visualization Scene was slow when the user’s login name contained a dot (.) character is fixed.
The problem where the preview in the 'Materials in Part' resource did not reflect model edits done with an NX Open program is fixed.
The problem where editing the materials Reflection Map filename caused an error is fixed.
The problem where loading the 'Materials in Part' palette was slow when changing the displayed part is fixed.
The problem in Manufacturing where the Preference 'Display Selected Objects' setting caused an error when closing a part is fixed.
The problem where closing multiple parts while in Manufacturing caused an error is fixed.
The problem in Manufacturing where editing the Non Cutting Moves in a Teachmode operation that uses a library tool caused an error is fixed.
The problem in Drafting where Render set Extracted Edges associated with drafting objects became invisible is fixed.
The problem in Manufacturing where Turning "direct engage/retract" did not stop the tool at the respective trim point is fixed.
The problem in Assemblies where replacing a component in the assembly which was opened 'Structure Only' caused an error is fixed.
The problem on Windows 64 platforms where NX functions did not correctly connect to Office Outlook for sending email is fixed.
The problem in Mold Wizard where Rename Components did not consistently assign sequence numbers is fixed.
The problem where the system clipboard copy/paste functions did not work consistently while NX was running is fixed.
The problem in Advanced Simulation with Teamcenter Integration for NX where naming rules did not work correctly for CAE item types is fixed.
The problem in Manufacturing where Turning Teachmode suboperations did not allow object selection within the context of an assembly is fixed.
The problem where Section View geometry could not be selected for PMI associated objects is fixed.
The problem in Manufacturing where performance was slow for a cavity-milling operation using holder checking and very shallow depth-of-cuts is improved.
The problem in Knowledge Fusion where Preferences -> Grid and Work Plane were grayed out after adding a Reuse part is fixed.
The problem in Manufacturing where a Planar mill operation with a Profile cut pattern using Non Cutting moves and Cutcom created incorrect toolpaths is fixed.
The problem in Modeling where Shape Search SOAP calls to the Geolus database had no provision for supplying the user's ID is fixed.
The problem in Translators where some assemblies failed to export to CATIA V5 is fixed.
The problem in Teamcenter Integration for NX where a failure to load a part referred to by a WAVE reference caused the entire assembly load to fail if the load options were set to Load Interpart Data is fixed.
The problem in Manufacturing where generating a Solid Profile 3D operation caused an error is fixed.
The problem in Modeling where editing a Human model feature on a Windows 32 platform caused an error if the model had been saved on a Windows 64 platform (or vice-versa) is fixed.

.....and more.....

关于Siemens AG

西门子股份公司(SIEMENS AG )是一家位于德国,为欧洲最大型的机电类联合企业之一。并在柏林,慕尼黑和埃朗根拥有国际总部。公司分置三大业务板块:工业,能源和医疗保健。共15个分支机构。在2009年,全球,西门子股份公司及其分支机构在近190个国家和地区,拥有4百二十多万的员工,创收7.6651万亿欧元。至2001年3月12日,西门子股份公司一直是法兰克福证券交易所和纽约证券交易所的上市企业。

About Siemens AG

Siemens AG is a German engineering conglomerate, the largest of its kind in Europe. Siemens has international headquarters located in Berlin, Munich and Erlangen. The company has three main business sectors: Industry, Energy, and Healthcare; with a total of 15 divisions. Worldwide, Siemens and its subsidiaries employ approximately 420,800 people in nearly 190 countries and reported global revenue of 76.651 billion euros for the year of 2009. Siemens AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since March 12, 2001.

Siemens公司产品全生命周期管理(PLM)软件 NX MP03 升级包-图片2

