《三维动画制作软件LightWave11破解版》NewTek LightWave 11.0.2 SP2 Build 2260 x32/x64

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《三维动画制作软件LightWave11破解版》NewTek LightWave 11.0.2 SP2 Build 2260 x32/x64

LightWave 3D是一款高性价比的三维动画制作软件,它的功能非常强大,是业界为数不多的几款重量级三维动画软件之一。LightWave 3D从有趣的AMIGA开始,已经成为一款功能非常强大的三维动画软件。被广泛应用在电影、电视、游戏、网页、广告、印刷、动画等各领域。它的操作简便,易学易用,在生物建模和角色动画方面功能异常强大;基于光线跟踪、光能传递等技术的渲染模块,令它的渲染品质几尽完美。它以其优异性能倍受影视特效制作公司和游戏开发商的青睐。火爆一时的好莱坞大片《TITANIC》中细致逼真的船体模型、《RED PLANET》中的电影特效以及《恐龙危机2》、《生化危机-代号维洛尼卡》等许多经典游戏均由LightWave 3D开发制作完成。人人素材整理发布。

NewTek LightWave 11.0.2 SP2 Build 2260 x32/x64
NewTek is a new massive update last LightWave 3D, which is completed by an additional wide range of new features and functions to optimize the workflow in the development of 3D content.NewTek is pleased to present a maintenance update to the latest edition of LightWave 3D. LightWave 11.0.2 offers a range of new features and functions to enhance workflow for 3D content creators. These include a new Instancing workflow with a variety of distribution options, motion and surfacing controls; hardbody Bullet Dynamics; a new Flocking Controller for applying behaviors to masses of objects; Python scripting with access to the same range renrensucai.com of SDK elements as LScript; new interchange tools for ZBrush and Unity; improved volumetrics; FiberFX performance improvements, texturing of fibers, support for the new instancing system, and a new volumetric mode that provides normals and improved support for buffer output; new blending capabilities for all modes of HyperVoxels; a new , more powerful and comprehensive Compositing Buffer Export image filter; enhancements to the Viewport Preview Renderer (VPR) and rendering speed improvements for GI and sampling; and performance enhancements in both Layout and Modeler.



