《MAYA与Silo中制作低分辨率的游戏模型教程》Digital-Tutors Creative Development Creating a Low Poly Game Character in Maya and Silo

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中文名称: MAYA与Silo中制作低分辨率的游戏模型教程
外文名称: Digital-Tutors Creative Development Creating a Low Poly Game Character in Maya and Silo
资源分类: 教程 Digital-Tutors MAYA Silo
文件大小: 2.4 Gb
资源格式: FLV视频格式 工程源文件
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《MAYA与Silo中制作低分辨率的游戏模型教程》Digital-Tutors Creative Development Creating a Low Poly Game Character in Maya and Silo-图片1

本教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的MAYA与Silo中制作低分辨率的游戏模型教程 ,时长:6小时2分,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Silo 2.2, Maya 2012, 3D-Coat 3.7, Photoshop CS4, CrazyBump ,作者:Antony Ward ,官方发布时间:2012年4月1日,语言:英语。


Silo 是一款专注于建模的三维软件,既适合生物建模也适合规则物体建模。 可用它为视频游戏及电影创建角色或是建筑。
Silo 目前被全球顶尖工作室所使用着,即可以单独用它也可以配合多个软件平台使用。
Silo 2.0引进许多新工作流程提高和工具,包括完全UV纹理质地编辑和iso移置绘画强大新功能。Silo是一款3D造型软件,它着重于3D设计、动画、录影游戏制作和传达想法等领域的模型建造和塑形。出道虽短,但已广受当今最大的演播室、赋有天才的专家、热情激昂的沉迷者和新学员们的欢迎。至Silo v1.x版单击一次就可直接连接外部的几处渲染点,并且它还人人素材允许决大多数3D动画和经过渲染后的obj、3ds、dxf、rib、和pov打包输出。

Digital-Tutors Creative Development Creating a Low Poly Game Character in Maya and Silo
In this tutorial we will be modeling and texturing a low poly game character. Rather than focusing on the higher-end scale that is commonly seen in other tutorials, with this tutorial we will be limiting ourselves to just a few thousand polygons. We will begin, not by sculpting a high detail model in ZBrush or Mudbox, but by focusing on the character’s actual low polygon in-game model. Once that’s built and optimized, we will then focus on adding a good set of UVs before we move rr-sc.com onto painting diffuse, normal and specular texture maps. By the end of this tutorial we will have taken a look at numerous tips, techniques and shortcuts all geared towards saving precious time by simply focusing on the actual game model itself.

《MAYA与Silo中制作低分辨率的游戏模型教程》Digital-Tutors Creative Development Creating a Low Poly Game Character in Maya and Silo-图片2《MAYA与Silo中制作低分辨率的游戏模型教程》Digital-Tutors Creative Development Creating a Low Poly Game Character in Maya and Silo-图片2《MAYA与Silo中制作低分辨率的游戏模型教程》Digital-Tutors Creative Development Creating a Low Poly Game Character in Maya and Silo-图片2《MAYA与Silo中制作低分辨率的游戏模型教程》Digital-Tutors Creative Development Creating a Low Poly Game Character in Maya and Silo-图片2《MAYA与Silo中制作低分辨率的游戏模型教程》Digital-Tutors Creative Development Creating a Low Poly Game Character in Maya and Silo-图片2


《MAYA与Silo中制作低分辨率的游戏模型教程》Digital-Tutors Creative Development Creating a Low Poly Game Character in Maya and Silo-图片3



