《Mudbox 2013 苹果破解版MacOsx》Autodesk Mudbox 2013 MacOsx

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中文名称: Mudbox 2013 苹果破解版MacOsx
外文名称: Autodesk Mudbox 2013 MacOsx
资源分类: 软件 苹果版本 Autodesk Mudbox MacOsx
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《Mudbox 2013 苹果破解版MacOsx》Autodesk Mudbox 2013 MacOsx-图片1

Autodesk Mudbox™ 2013软件对绘画工具集进行了显著增强,并提供了独立于UV和拓扑的全新工作流程、实用的姿态工具以及更强的性能和大型数据集处理能力,能够帮助消除常见的制作挑战。Mudbox 2013现在支持Linux操作系统,能够与欧特克娱乐创作套件2013中的产品实现一步式互操作,并且可以更好地兼容Adobe Photoshop 软件。它还提供了灵活的新特性集,能够更无缝地集成到工作室的工作流程中。此外,扩展的创意工具集现在拥有可绘制的图层遮罩、可编辑的模板(stencil)以及全新的笔刷和笔刷选项,能够在不影响艺术发挥自由度的情况下提高工作效率。

Autodesk Mudbox 2013软件对绘画工具集进行了显著增强,并提供了独立于UV和拓扑的全新工作流程、实用的姿态工具以及更强的性能和大型数据集处理能力,能够帮助消除常见的制作挑战。Mudbox 2013首次加入了对Linux操作系统的支持,提供了更强的互操作性能力和灵活的新特性集,能够更轻松地集成到工作室的工作流程中。此外,扩展的创意设计工具集能够在不影响艺术发挥自由度的情况下提高工作效率。



尽情享受无需创建UV即可绘图的自由!纹理艺术家现在可以消除或减少耗时、棘手的UV制作任务;即使是包含多个网格的复杂数据也可以轻松载入并立即进行绘制。针对完全无UV贴图的流程,所创建的高质量纹理可以作为Ptex文件导出;针对需要UV贴图的工作流程,在创建UV贴图后将其烘焙到UV空间中,并以图像文件格式导出。Ptex库已作为开源软件发布,现已集成到Pixar Animation Studio的RenderMan?软件中;Autodesk? Maya? 2013软件现在支持显示Ptex文件。


现在您可以绘制和管理大型纹理数据集,以创建非常详细的高质量数据,从而满足当今苛刻的制作要求。借助全新的纹理和瓷砖(tile)管理系统,艺术家可以使用包含数十亿图素(texel)的数百个纹理贴图来显示和绘制出色的图形(hero assets)。


面向绘画层的全新可绘制图层遮罩支持艺术家有选择性地显示或隐藏部分图层,从而以强大的非破坏方式组合和编辑绘图。此外,22种全新的图层混合模式能够扩大艺术创作范围,更好地兼容Adobe? Photoshop?软件。




借助与Maya 2013、Autodesk? 3ds Max? 2013和Autodesk? Softimage? 2013软件往返数据的全新功能,艺术家能够更高效地与欧特克?娱乐创作套件2013中的其它产品进行协作。全新的工作流支持反复性数据往返:从内容创建应用中的一个场景开始,数据可以导出到Mudbox中以添加绘画或雕刻细节,然后合并回先前场景中,并在Mudbox中进行再次完善;每次数据转移只需一个步骤即可完成。此外,艺术家也可以在雕刻或绘画过程中加入拓扑变更:在内容创建应用中修改拓扑时,Mudbox中的活动对象将可以得到更新。


Mudbox 2013中的许多性能增强特性都可以帮助艺术家更轻松地进行高分辨率绘画和雕刻,更快速地保存带纹理数据的场景,更交互地创建、选择和复制绘画层以及更快地加载密集型OBJ网格。


Mudbox 2013提供更强大的绘画与雕刻工具集,其中包括:在多个对象中运用单个笔触的全新功能;能够更好地控制模型轮廓成形的全新抓手工具选项;以及面向选择、冻结和权重工具的套索和矩形选取框模式。





其它新特性Autodesk Mudbox软件还具有以下重要特性:


适合于输入板的标记菜单可以帮助艺术家更高效地工作。与传统菜单相比,这些基于手势的菜单(Maya用户很熟悉)可帮助艺术家更快速地使用肌肉记忆(muscle memory)来选择常用选项,无需从笔切换到键盘。






Mudbox 2013现在提供了面向Linux操作系统的64位可执行版本,可帮助主要在Linux上运行内容创建应用的工作室优化其工作流程。

Autodesk Mudbox2013软件可帮助您毫不费力的建立复杂、高品质的场景,新的Gigatexel引擎用来创造大规模的物件细节,并能够提高工作效率。同时,工具组延展出了新的多用途曲线功能,能接收bump和normal map的信息,且更容易制作和提高重覆性的工作。此外,与Adobe Photoshop更佳的协同配合,以及支持抗锯齿效果,Mudbox2013提供更佳的工作流程整合。

《Mudbox 2013 苹果破解版MacOsx》Autodesk Mudbox 2013 MacOsx-图片2

Key New Features in Mudbox 2013

Mudbox 2013主要新功能


Mudbox 2013可以创建出庞大的细节-数十亿以上的面数,现今客户对高解析度材质的要求越来越高,要创造出足够细节的材质通常受限于制作人员的电脑配置。Gigatexel引擎工作显然能自动帮助你有效的处理成倍的像素需求,而品质与最终效果更像真实的雕塑一样。

Customizable Workspace


Support for Edge Hardness, Creasing, and Smoothing Groups

在Autodesk Maya、3ds Max、Softimage中建立的模型能更精确地显示,以及其它不同的创作内容,包含硬度、皱折和Smoothing Groups。

Combine Bump and Normal Map Detail

根据绘制的bump贴图结合normal map细节来生成另一个单独的normal map-即始是在错误的法线空间中。现在可以用雕刻或绘制的方法创造出浮雕般的细节,并结合到单一一张贴图上,非常适合用在游戏引擎当中。

Sculpt and Paint Tiling Detail

能轻易的雕刻与绘制出无接缝的材质与贴图,来用在大范围的表面贴图上。即始”off normal”的细节,即始是凹面与凸面都可以被撷取成vector displacement maps(VDMs)。你可以透过live view来看到你的作品,利用重覆的观看,绘制和雕刻来做出更好的创意决策。


利用与Adobe Photoshop完全整合的工作流程,支持导入与导出16-bit的PSD文档。

Duplicate and Flip Models


Presets for Adjust Color

利用新的Adjust presets工具来操控或调整paint layer的颜色,你通过反转图层,套用反向的gamma值来校正图片信息,从图像上上获取照明信息。

《Mudbox 2013 苹果破解版MacOsx》Autodesk Mudbox 2013 MacOsx-图片3 

《Mudbox 2013 苹果破解版MacOsx》Autodesk Mudbox 2013 MacOsx-图片4 

《Mudbox 2013 苹果破解版MacOsx》Autodesk Mudbox 2013 MacOsx-图片5

Autodesk Mudbox 2013 MacOsx

Autodesk Mudbox 3D digital sculpting and digital painting software gives you the freedom to create production-ready 3D digital artwork without worrying about the technical details.

About Autodesk Inc.

Autodesk, Inc., is a leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. Customers across the manufacturing, architecture, building, construction, and media and entertainment industries—including the last 16 Academy Award winners for Best Visual Effects—use Autodesk software to design, visualize, and simulate their ideas before they’re ever built or created. From blockbuster visual effects and buildings that create their own energy to electric cars and the batteries that power them, the work of our 3D software customers is everywhere you look.

Through our apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Android, we’re also making design technology accessible to professional designers as well as amateur designers, homeowners, students, and casual creators. Whether it’s a kid looking to build a new contraption, a seasoned pro sketching out a great new idea, or someone who just wants to amp up their creative output, we’re taking technology originally built for movie studios, automakers, and architectural firms, and making it available to anyone who wants to create and share their ideas with the world.

Since its introduction of AutoCAD software in 1982, Autodesk continues to develop the broadest portfolio of state-of-the-art 3D software for global markets.


Designed by professional artists from the game, film, television, and design industries, Mudbox combines an intuitive user interface with a powerful creative toolset of stencils and brushes for ultrarealistic 3D character modeling, engaging environments, and stylized props.

New features in Mudbox 2013:

- Extreme Detail with the new Gigatexel engine: Handle exponentially more pixels with the Gigatexel engine which works automatically and transparently.
- Multipurpose Curves: Draw curves in screen space or in 3D space, and use them in a variety of ways to augment the painting and sculpting toolsets.
- Customizable Workspace: Configure the user interface to better accommodate individual workflows and preferences, with the new ability to customize the workspace and save and share custom workspaces.
- Support for Edge Hardness, Creasing, and Smoothing Groups: Import and work with models created in Autodesk® Maya® 2013 software, Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2013 software, Autodesk® Softimage® 2013 software, and certain other content creation solutions that contain special data controlling the hardness, creasing, and smoothing of particular edges.
- Combine Bump and Normal Map Detail: Combine painted bump map detail with extracted normal map detail to produce a single normal map—even in tangent space. You can now create relief detail both by sculpting and painting, and combine the results into a single map suitable for use in games engines.
- Sculpt and Paint Tiling Detail: Paint and sculpt tiled detail to create seamlessly repeating textures and maps that can be used to more efficiently cover large surface areas.
- Enhanced Photoshop Interoperability: Take advantage of a more fully integrated workflow with Adobe Photoshop software, with new support for importing and exporting 16-bit PSD files.
- Duplicate and Flip Models: Duplicate objects, and optionally flip them to create mirrored versions, helping save time when objects are repeated on a model.
- Presets for Adjust Color: Manipulate or correct the colors of a paint layer with new presets for Adjust Color; these enable you to invert layers, apply inverse gamma correction to photographic sources, and extract luminance values from an image.



