《Telerik 2012 破解版》Telerik Q1 2012 Ultimate Collection for Microsoft .NET

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中文名称: Telerik 2012 破解版
外文名称: Telerik Q1 2012 Ultimate Collection for Microsoft .NET
资源分类: 软件 破解版 Telerik Ultimate Microsoft .NET
文件大小: 1.2 Gb
资源格式: exe crack
下载方式: 115网盘永久+迅雷离线地址


《Telerik 2012 破解版》Telerik Q1 2012 Ultimate Collection for Microsoft .NET

RadControls for ASP.NET是一套强大的用户界面控件套装,它可以帮助您创建拥有桌面应用程序华丽外表和高速性能的Web应用程序。18种可靠的 UI及数据控件全面提供AJAX性能,使用户可以得到高级的体验。但RadControls for ASP.NET不仅仅只支持AJAX,尽管其包含的控件以一流的性能帮助开发者执行AJAX。RadControls for ASP.NET同样还可以跨浏览器支持,兼容XHTML/accessibility,并支持完全自定义外观样式和皮肤。它拥有极强的稳定性,执行性能和易用性。

RadControls for Silverlight 包括有24 个用户界面控件,能够用到纯Silverlight 程序,或作为现有ASP.NET 程序的一部分。与WPF组件分享相同的代码库,Silverlight 控件提供一个直观的 API,支持完全融合和强大的特色主题功能,将从根本上改善你的 RIA 开发

Telerik Q1 2012 Ultimate Collection for Microsoft .NET

The Telerik Q1 2012 Ultimate Collection for .NET includes all products needed to build stable, high-performance, visually stunning .NET applications.

About Telerik

Telerik is a market-leading provider of end-to-end solutions for application development, automated testing, agile project management, reporting, and content management across all major Microsoft development platforms. Telerik's award-winning software development products enable enterprises and organizations of every size to generate tangible productivity gains, reduce time-to-market, and stay on time and under budget. With tens of thousands of users in more than 90 countries around the world, Telerik's customers include numerous Fortune 2000 companies, academic institutions, governments, and non-profit organizations.

Our Q1 2012 release cycle has been very exciting! All of the Just products received features and enhancements. For a full list of additions, enhancements, and upgrades to Telerik’s developer productivity portfolio, please visit

Name: Telerik
Version: Q1 2012 Ultimate Collection for Microsoft .NET
Interface: english
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 and above
Platform: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and above
Size: 1.2 Gb





