《德国MAGIX专业多轨混音软件破解版》Magix Samplitude Pro X/Suite 12.0.2 Upgrade

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中文名称: 德国MAGIX专业多轨混音软件
外文名称: Magix Samplitude Pro X/Suite 12.0.2 Upgrade
资源分类: 软件 破解版 Magix Samplitude 多轨混音
文件大小: 333.2 mb
资源格式: exe crack
下载方式: 115网盘永久+迅雷离线地址


《德国MAGIX专业多轨混音软件破解版》Magix Samplitude Pro X/Suite 12.0.2 Upgrade-图片1

当今最伟大的一个多轨音频软件,具有数字影像和模拟视频录制和编辑功能和5.1环绕声制作功能。具有无限音轨,无限Aux Bus,无限Submix Bus,支持各种格式的音频文件,能够任意切割、剪辑音频,自带有频率均衡、动态效果器、混响效果器、降噪、变调等多种音频效果器,能回放和编辑 MIDI,自带烧录音乐CD功能。不同於传统的 CooleditPro 因为它采用非破坏的处理方式,对文件的各种处理不会一次性迭加到来源文件上而无法恢复.

- 5.1通道环绕,环绕效果及对象环绕
在Samplitude V8中环绕声技术被再次进行改进。新的特性包括5.1声像,多通道均衡器,基于卷积积分技术的空间混响模拟器以及其他一些动态处理器。对象环绕功能是一种独特的全新功能:允许每一个在工作项目中的音频对象被独立的置于环绕声场内的某个位置。

- 环绕空间混响模拟器

- 为MIDI控制器设计的MIDI套鼓编辑器,多功能编辑器

- MAGIX的模拟模型组件
Samplitude V8补充了大量的具备仿真经典模拟处理器功能的高质量音频效果。这其中包括了一个出色的带有可调带宽的模拟压缩器,饱和效果模拟器以及一个用于调整打击乐类音频信号包络的瞬时处理器。

- MAGIX的Elastic Audio(弹性音频)技术

- MAGIX的Robota Pro软件虚拟模拟合成器

- 针对文件夹,对象,音轨,片段及标记点的项目管理器

- DVD音频
可直接在Samplitude V8软件中进行高清立体声及环绕声音频DVD光盘的刻录工作。

- 支持ReWire技术
可同步处理同样支持该技术的软件,像Reason,Storm 3等。

- 其他功能

《德国MAGIX专业多轨混音软件破解版》Magix Samplitude Pro X/Suite 12.0.2 Upgrade-图片2

Magix Samplitude Pro X/Suite 12.0.2 Upgrade

Samplitude Pro X is the perfect DAW for uncompromised audio productions - from arranging and recording, to editing and mixing, all the way to professional mastering and CD/DVD authoring.


MAGIX is a leading international provider of high-quality software, online services and digital content for multimedia communications. Since 1993, MAGIX has developed leading technologies for creating, editing, managing and presenting photos, graphics, videos and music. MAGIX operates internationally from branches in the USA, Canada, the UK, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. The product range is targeted towards both laymen and professionals alike, going beyond the PC platform to include seamlessly integrated online and mobile applications.

According to its retail sales figures, MAGIX leads in the multimedia software sector in many important European markets, and is one of the most successful competitors in the USA. Fifteen years of market presence and over a thousand awards worldwide testify to the company's power of innovation.


Work with a fully customizable interface and experience a DAW tailored to your needs. The precision audio engine with 64-bit support, outstanding mastering quality plugins, 5.1 Surround mixing and its ability to be seamless integrated into your studio make Samplitude Pro X the most powerful audio workstations.

Name: Magix Samplitude Pro X/Suite Upgrade
Version: 32bit & 64bit
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 333.2 mb




