《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview

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中文名称: ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程
外文名称: Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview
资源分类: Eat3D ZBrush4 新功能 ZBrush ZBrush4R3
文件大小: 1.18 Gb
资源格式: MP4视频格式 工程源文件
下载方式: 115网盘永久+FTP迅雷高速地址


《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片1

本教程是由Eat3D机构出品的ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程,时长:6小时,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3,作者:Michael Pavlovich,英语。

在本DVD中,迈克尔接着他在ZBrush 4综合讲解教学中的内容继续讲解。随着ZBrush 4 R2, R2b, 还有R3的发布,很多新功能也随之出现。迈克尔详细的研究了它们。他先对Dynamesh进行了综合讲解,然后详解讲解了很多新的笔刷。接着迈克尔应用了NoiseMaker,并且用四节课的内容讲解了令人激动的新的Fibers system。其他的主题还包括了:Vector Displacement, Micromesh, Transpose, Materials, Wax Preview, 与BPR Filters.最后迈克尔讲述了如何为这个牛仔雕塑与绘制一个多功能转台。

ZBrush 是一个数字雕刻和绘画软件,它以强大的功能和直观的工作流程彻底改变了整个三维行业。在一个简洁的界面中,ZBrush 为当代数字艺术家提供了世界上最先进的工具。以实用的思路开发出的功能组合,在激发艺术家创作力的同时,ZBrush 产生了一种用户感受,在操作时会感到非常的顺畅。ZBrush 能够雕刻高达 10 亿多边形的模型,所以说限制只取决于的艺术家自身的想象力。

《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片2

《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片3

Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview
In this DVD, Michael Pavlovich takes up where he left off on the ZBrush 4 Comprehensive Video. With the release of ZBrush 4 R2, R2b, and R3 comes many new amazing features and Michael explores them in detail. He first starts off with an overview of Dynamesh and then goes into the many new Brushes. Next, Michael goes into using Noisemaker in R3 and 4 chapters on the exciting new Fibers System. Other topics include: Vector Displacement, Micromesh, Transpose, Materials, Wax Preview, and BPR Filters. Finally, Michael demonstrates the sculpting and painting of a multi-part pedestal for the cowboy.
This DVD is an amazing resource for those looking to understand the many new features added in ZBrush R2, R2b, and R3.
About the Instructor:
Michael Pavlovich has been in the game industry since graduating from the Ringling School of Art and Design in 2005. Starting as an environment artist, Michael has worked on several titles for multiple platforms, at both Electronic Arts and Sony Online Entertainment. Michael is currently a senior artist at Certain Affinity in Austin, TX.

《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4《ZBRUSH 4 R2&R3新功能教程》Eat3D ZBrush 4 R2&R3 New Features A Comprehensive Overview-图片4





