中文名称: | 冲模设计Logopress3 2012破解版 |
外文名称: | Logopress3 2012 SP0.2 for SolidWorks 2011-2012 32bit & 64bit |
资源分类: | 软件 破解版 Logopress3 SolidWorks 冲模设计 |
文件大小: | 261.6 mb |
资源格式: | exe crack |
板(条)料布局模块可以用在单冲模或级进模的设计中。它可以以简单而又智能的方法,快速地生成真实模型的3D的板(条)料布局。Logopress3? 板(条)料布局模块可以从一个使用Logopress3的展开/整平工具定义好的坯料或折弯/冲压开始;也可以从导入客户/合作伙伴给您的数据开始。任何类型的零件,即使这些零件不是等壁厚的,也可以处理,它出色的解决方案也可以帮助您进行模具的报价。
Logopress3冲模设计软件包括了功能强大模板创建助手帮助您快速地完成模具的主要组件。在整套模具的设计过程中它也非常有用,特别是当您想插入一块额外的模板时。 您可以非常简单、快捷地插入一个模板或一组模板,并可以更改它们的尺寸。在插入的同时,您还可以命名模板,指定材料类型和热处理条件。它也会激活配合管理器,这样您就不需要搜索设计树了。没有一个五金模具设计软件可称得上是完整的,如果这软件不包含全面性的标准零件库。 唯一能明白Logopress3所提供的功能是如何强大、友好、灵活、客户化、高效和全面的方法就是去了解它。它管理所有公制和英制组件,而且包括多种供应商标准,您也可以添加您自己的标准。它不仅添加您选择的组件,而且会在每块模板上切除每一个孔,同时也会自动地生成所有的配合。
Logopress3 同时也包括了功能强大的“装配设置”(将所有模板的所有开口切割)切割、折弯和成冲模设计型冲头。冲头装配是非常大工作量的如果没有专注功能,因为这涉及很多的冲模组件而每一件冲模又需要不同的处理方式。只需操作几下鼠标和对话框,Logopress3非常容易就将这工作妥善处理了。当您处理完和定义第一个组件后,Logopress3智能存储您的参考数据,以便为下一个装配设置节省更多的时间。如果没有一个详细的、功能强大的孔表功能,一个模具设计包就是不完整的…仅仅很少地点击几下鼠标,可以节省大量标注尺寸的时间。明显地, Logopress3 充分利用了SolidWorks的强大功能和易学易用,同时包括其他一些专业的五金模具设计工具,在今天,它使得现在的模具设计师变得更加高效。最终,您将获得更加多的利益。
Logopress3 2012 SP0.2 for SolidWorks 2011-2012 32bit & 64bit
Logopress3: Experience the power - Logopress introduces you to the best solution for designing progressive dies, fineblank dies, transfer dies…
About LOGOPRESS Company
For over 20 years Logopress' only business has been the development of die design software for the Tool & Die Industry as well as Flattening and Blank prediction software for many kinds of parts. Up until 2002 we provided 2D software solutions in France. In 2000, after 3 years of research and development in 3D technology, we decided to also develop 3D parametric solutions and to expand our business worldwide.
Logopress3™ is currently used in over 30 countries around the world.
About Logopress
More and more die designers all over the world are currently running Logopress3. Many people who need to create die quotations (via a quick strip layout) or/and to flatten complex 3D shaped parts (via a quick blank determination) are also running Logopress3. Currently, Logopress3 is used in over 30 countries around the world.
Have a look at some of its key functions:
- Blank prediction
- Advanced Unbending
- Strip layout design
- Round Draw Module
- Powerful and customizable feature to define and build the tool structure
- Powerful, customizable and intelligent standard component library with automatic creation of related holes machining
- Automatic cutting and forming punch generation
- Dynamic Interference Detection and Animation
- Automatic and progressive die oriented holes table and BOM
Logopress3 means a considerable time savings. Logopress3 is easy to use and easy to learn. Logopress3 is fully integrated in SolidWorks and uses its entire power. It has been designed and studied in SolidWorks for your needs.
Name: Logopress3
Version: 2012 SP0.2 for Solid Works 2011-2012 32bit & 64bit
Creator: www.logopress3.com
Interface: english, france
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Platforma: Solid Works 2011 SP3.0-SP4.0-SP5.0, Solid Works 2012 SP0.0-SP1.0-SP2.0
Size: 261.6 mb
Special Thanks Team SolidSQUAD