《温馨家庭回忆录 AE包装模板》Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project

AE模板 最新资源《温馨家庭回忆录 AE包装模板》Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project已关闭评论1,259


中文名称: 温馨家庭回忆录 AE包装模板
外文名称: Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project
资源分类: Videohive 视频模板 AE工程源文件 AE素材 片头包装
文件大小: 237.65 Mb
资源格式: AEP
下载方式: 115网盘永久+FTP迅雷高速地址


《温馨家庭回忆录 AE包装模板》Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project《温馨家庭回忆录 AE包装模板》Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project《温馨家庭回忆录 AE包装模板》Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project《温馨家庭回忆录 AE包装模板》Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project《温馨家庭回忆录 AE包装模板》Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project《温馨家庭回忆录 AE包装模板》Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project《温馨家庭回忆录 AE包装模板》Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project《温馨家庭回忆录 AE包装模板》Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project


支持AECS4, CS5版本,分辨率1920x1080,无需插件,包含教程。

Videohive lost album 1333830 After Effects Project
- After Effect CS4 – CS5 Project
- FullHD 1920×1080 , 1280×720 and 1024×576
- 18 placeholders for photos or videos
- 17 placeholders for text
- No plugins required. Only the CS4 Cycore originals.
- Very Easy and Fast Customization
- Tutorial included





