《CGTuts出品3DsMax教程合辑》Collection of CGTuts+ tutorials for 3Ds Max

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中文名称: CGTuts出品3DsMax教程合辑
外文名称: Collection of CGTuts+ tutorials for 3Ds Max
资源分类: 教程 CGTuts 3DsMax
文件大小: 19.91 GB
资源格式: MP4 FLV视频格式
下载方式: 115网盘永久+FTP迅雷高速地址


《CGTuts出品3DsMax教程合辑》Collection of CGTuts+ tutorials for 3Ds Max-图片1


3D Studio Max,常简称为3ds Max或MAX,是Autodesk公司开发的基于PC系统的三维动画渲染和制作软件。其前身是基于DOS操作系统的3D Studio系列软件,最新版本是2012。在Windows NT出现以前,工业级的CG制作被SGI图形工作站所垄断。3D Studio Max + Windows NT组合的出现一下子降低了CG制作的门槛,首选开始运用在电脑游戏中的人人素材动画制作,后更进一步开始参与影视片的特效制作,例如X战警II,最后的武士等。

《CGTuts出品3DsMax教程合辑》Collection of CGTuts+ tutorials for 3Ds Max-图片2 


Collection of CgTuts+ tutorials for 3DS Max
Here is the list of tutorials included :
3ds Max 2010 The Graphite Modeling Tools
An Introduction to Subdivision (High-Poly) Modeling Tools and Techniques
Array tool
Assembly_Disassembly With ParticleFlow In 3Ds Max
Beginner Modeling Methods and Techniques in 3DS Max
Build an Advanced Drifting Car Rig in 3ds Max
Intro To 3dsMax Polygonal Modeling Tools
Create a Cool Looking Ink Effect using FumeFX, 3ds Max, and After Effects
Create a Cool Smoking Text Effect using Fluid Mapping with Particle Flow
Create a Hyper Realistic Table Fan in 3ds Max
Create a Realistic Looking Mailbox using 3ds Max and UV Layout
Create a Realistic Looking Nokia 5800 in 3ds Max
Create An Ivy Covered Tree Stump With 3ds Max Ivy Gen And VRay
Create Beautiful Realtime Renders Using the Xoliul Viewport Shader in 3ds Max
GI Rendering Techniques In 3Ds Max
How to Bake a Flawless Normal Map in 3ds Max
How to Create Cool Hair and Fur Effects in 3ds Max
How To Create Realistic Architectural Visualization Renders
How to Simulate a Torn Flag Animation using 3ds Max and After Effects
Making Realistic Water in 3ds Max
Model a Detailed High Poly Fire Hydrant in 3ds Max
Model a High Poly Airframe Missile Launcher in 3ds Max
Model a High Rez Domed Fountain Structure in 3ds Max
Model a High-Poly Car Wheel in 3ds Max
Model a High-Poly Roof Hatch in 3ds Max
Model and Texture a Stylish Modern Chair with 3ds Max and Mental Ray
Model And Texture An Abandoned Water Tower In 3ds Max And Photoshop
Model and Texture an Accurate Looking Pool Table in 3ds Max
Model and Texture an Elegantly Simple Chess Set in 3ds Max
Model, Paint, and Animate a Realistically Stylized Eye in 3ds Max
Modelling a Walking_Bridge_Header
Next-Gen Weapon Creation
Project Workflow_Creating a Next-Gen Sci-Fi Prop
Quick Tip_Alpha Cut In 3ds Max
Quick Tip_An Intro To VRay RT
Quick Tip_Asset Tracking in 3Ds Max
Quick Tip_Nodal Workflow with Particle Flow in 3ds Max
Quick Tip_The Secret To Making Convincing Explosions With FumeFX
Quick Tip_Working Procedurally With ParticleFlow
Shingle modeling in 3D studio max
Sink Project
Spacing Tool
The Eseentials Of Particle Flow Basix
Using Splines to Add Detail to Your High-Poly Model in 3ds Max
Using Splines to Quickly Create Highly Complex Geometry in 3ds Max
Wire bench

《CGTuts出品3DsMax教程合辑》Collection of CGTuts+ tutorials for 3Ds Max-图片2《CGTuts出品3DsMax教程合辑》Collection of CGTuts+ tutorials for 3Ds Max-图片2《CGTuts出品3DsMax教程合辑》Collection of CGTuts+ tutorials for 3Ds Max-图片2《CGTuts出品3DsMax教程合辑》Collection of CGTuts+ tutorials for 3Ds Max-图片2《CGTuts出品3DsMax教程合辑》Collection of CGTuts+ tutorials for 3Ds Max-图片2 





