《流体模拟插件Naiad 0.6破解版64位》Exotic Matter Naiad Win x64

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中文名称: 流体模拟插件Naiad 0.6破解版64位
外文名称: Exotic Matter Naiad Win x64
资源分类: 插件 流体模拟 Exotic Matter Naiad 破解版
文件大小: 191M
资源格式: exe crack


《流体模拟插件Naiad 0.6破解版64位》Exotic Matter Naiad Win x64

经过几个月的艰苦工作,Exotic Matter开发出流体模拟插件Naiad 0.6。该软件是迄今为止最新、功能最强大的Naiad系列插件。
Exotic Matter并没有披露Naiad 0.6的细节信息,只表示Naiad 0.6及以后发布的版本可运行于64位Windows、Mac OSX Lion及Linux系统。
Naiad 0.6正式发布后,所有Naiad年度用户可免费自动转换获得Naiad使用许可。该使用许可包括一年内免费版本升级、一年内免费获取在线客户支持等。

Exotic Matter Naiad Win x64
Naiad is a state-of-the-art fluid simulation software product.

What makes Naiad different is that Naiad empowers small VFX companies (and even freelancers) to produce 3D fluid simulation animations that previously only large facilities with powerful in-house tools could attempt. How is this possible? Because Exotic Matter was founded by the people who used to write those powerful in-house fluid tools.

Despite being a relatively new product, Naiad has already been used to produce the 3D fluid animations in several motion-pictures, some of which are listed below:

Avatar (Weta Digital)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (Framestore London)
Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Framestore London)
Gulliver’s Travels (Weta Digital)
X-Men: First Class (Weta Digital)
Final Destination 5 (Prime Focus)
The A-Team (Weta Digital)
Shark Night 3D (Reliant MediaWorks/Crater Studios/Shadow VFX)
Naiad is also being used frequently in TV series and commercials.




