《Photoshop数字绘画技术详解教程》ctrl+Paint Digital Painting Simplified

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中文名称: Photoshop数字绘画技术详解教程
外文名称: ctrl+Paint Digital Painting Simplified
资源分类: 教程 数字绘画 Photoshop ctrl+Paint Painting
文件大小: 1.4 GB
资源格式: Mp4视频格式


《Photoshop数字绘画技术详解教程》ctrl+Paint Digital Painting Simplified

本教程是关于Photoshop数字绘画技术详解教程,教程使用软件:Adobe Photoshop。

Photoshop是Adobe公司旗下最为出名的图像处理软件之一,集图像扫描、编辑修改、图像制作、广告创意,图像输入与输出于一体的图形图像处理软件,深受广大平面设计人员和电脑美术爱好者的喜爱。CS5加入了全面改进后的高清视频渲染引擎Mercury,尤其是其视频处理软件Premiere Pro。Mercury可以利用显卡的图形处理能力加速对高清格式视频的编解码和播放,当然不是所有的显卡,由于和NVIDIA之前达成的协议,Mercury只 支持NVIDIA的显卡。

ctrl+Paint Digital Painting Simplified
Working in the game industry under tight deadlines forced me to come up with a dependable photoshop workflow. Ctrl+Paint is my attempt to organize these findings into clear, concise videos to share with the community.
The Internet is full of tutorials. What makes these different? Here you’ll find a more ‘foundational’ resource. The videos on Ctrl+Paint will focus on basic principles and techniques that can be applied to your artwork. I believe strongly in explaining the ‘why’, not just the ‘how’.

1 - Photoshop Painting - Mirror Action.mp4
2 - Photoshop Painting - Making a Swarm.mp4
3 - Photoshop Painting - Exponential Patternmaking.mp4
4 - Digital Painting 101- (1 of 5) - Intro.mp4
5 - Digital Painting 101- (2 of 5) - Brushes and Erasers.mp4
6 - Digital Painting 101- (3 of 5) - Mixing Paint.mp4
7 - Digital Painting 101- (4 of 5) - Layers.mp4
8 - Photoshop Painting - Modular Thumbnail Sketches.mp4
9 - Photoshop Painting - Chop and Warp.mp4
10 - Photoshop Painting - What is a study.mp4
11 - Photoshop Painting - Material Spheres.mp4
12 - Photoshop Painting - Creating a Reminder Layer.mp4
13 - Photoshop Painting - Free Brush Pack Machine Gun.mp4
14 - Photoshop Painting - Pen Tool Selection Pt. 1.mp4
15 - Photoshop Painting - Working with Solid Color Backgrounds.mp4
16 - Digital Painting 101- (5 of 5) - Demo.mp4
17 - Photoshop Painting - Pen Tool Selection Pt. 1.mp4
18 Digital Painting - Applying Decals Using the Warp Tool.mp4
19 - Digital Painting - Painting With Two Windows.mp4
20 Digital Painting - Grayscale to Color.mp4
21 - Digital Painting - Brush Control Basics.mp4
22 - Digital Painting - Masking 101 pt1.mp4
23 - Digital Painting - Masking 101 pt.2.mp4
24 - Digital Painting - Micro Repitition.mp4
25 - Digital Painting Loosening Up.mp4
26 - Digital Painting - Masking 101 pt. 3.mp4
27 - Digital Painting - Image Resolution.mp4
28 - Digital Painting - Scanning Your Lineart.mp4
29 - Digital Painting Sketchup for Thumbnailing.mp4
30 - Digital Painting Intro to Google Sketchup.mp4
31 - Digital Painting - Letting Go.mp4
32 - Digital Painting - An Argument for Working Digitally.mp4
33 - Digital Painting - Clean Lines pt. 1.mp4
34 - Digital Painting - Clean Lines pt. 2.mp4
35 - Digital Painting - Custom Hotkeys.mp4
36 - Digital Painting - Ergonomics and Hardware.mp4
37 - How to Draw Anything in 3 Steps.mp4
38 - Digital Painting - Studying Golssiness.mp4
39 - Digital Painting - Studying Glossiness pt.2.mp4
40 - Digital Painting - Glossiness pt. 3.mp4
41 - Digital Painting - Perspective Drills.mp4
42 - Digital Painting - Draw 100.mp4
43 - Digital Painting - Edges & Bevels.mp4
44 - Digital Painting - Selecting Hardware.mp4
45 - Digital Painting - Brush Technique Blending.mp4
46 - Digital Painting - Hard and Soft Shadow Edges.mp4
47 - Digital Painting Sketching With Line.mp4
48 - Digital Painting - Sketching with Values.mp4
49 - Digital Painting - Brush Series Block-In.mp4
50 - Digital Painting - Brush Series Diffuser.mp4
51 - Digital Painting - Using a Textured Canvas.mp4
52 - Digital Painting - Simplifying Form.mp4
53 - Digital Painting - Why practice in Grayscale.mp4
54 - Digital Painting - Eyedropper Tool in Depth.mp4
55 - Digital Painting Eye Dropper Technique Pt.2.mp4
56 - Digital Painting Getting Better at Painting.mp4
57 - Digital Painting Modular thinking with google Sketchup.mp4
58 - Digital Painting Google Sketchup, Digital Parts Bin.mp4
59 - Digital Painting Perspective 101 pt. 1.mp4
60 - Digital Painting Brush Tool Efficiency Shortcuts.mp4
62 - Digital Painting - The Learning Curve.mp4
63 - Digital Painting - USB Tablet Drawing Angle.mp4
64 - digital painting - anatomy introduction.mp4
65 - Digital Painting - Creating Realistic Surfaces.mp4
66 - Digital Painting - How Many Layers.mp4
67 - Digital Painting Making your life easie Actions.mp4
68 - Digital Painting - Line Weight.mp4
69 - Digital Painting Sketchup for Backgrounds (1 of 3).mp4
70 - Digital Painting Sketchup for Backgrounds (2 of 3).mp4
71 - Digital Painting Sketchup for Complex Backgrounds (3 of 3).mp4
72 - Digital Painting - Why, and How, to 'Paint Over'.mp4
73 - Digital Painting - Sketchup for Complex Backgrounds (4 of 3).mp4
74 - Digital Painting - Why Draw Skulls.mp4
75 - Digital Painting - Chop up Your Paintings.mp4
76 - Digital Painting - Chop Up Your Paintings pt. 2.mp4
77 - Digital Painting - Guess That Color.mp4
78 - Digital Painting - Unify Your Palette.mp4
79 - Gesture Drawing Spoons.mp4
80 - Digital Painting - Visual Measuring.mp4
81 - Digital Painting - Using Reference Materials.mp4
82 - Digital Painting - Staying organized.mp4
83 - Road-Map.mp4
84 - The Pencil.mp4
85 - Digital Painting - Alternative Masking pt.1.mp4
86 - Digital Painting - Alternative Masking pt.2.mp4
87 - Digital Painting - The Danger of Painting Silhouettes.mp4
88 - Digital Painting - Pencils and Erasers.mp4
89 - Digital Painting - Drawing Contour Lines.mp4
90 - Digital Painting - Drawing shape Linear Block-in.mp4
91 - Negative Space.mp4
92 - Simple Still Life.mp4
93 - Digital Painting - Brush Technique, Soft & Hard.mp4
94 - Digital Painting - Color Relativity.mp4
95 - Line Removal Pt. 1.mp4
96 - Line Removal Pt. 2.mp4
97 - CtrlPaint - Principles of Design 1.mp4
98 - Principles of Design - Balance.mp4
99 - CtrlPaint 100 - On Art School, Goals, and the Guy Making All These Videos.mp4
100 - CtrlPaint Principles of Design - Emphasis.mp4
101 - digital Painting - Paint Bucket - Avoiding a messy edge.mp4
102 - digital painting - document presets.mp4
103 - drawing reference.mp4
104 - tool presets.mp4
105. Principles of Design Scale and Proportion.mp4
106. Digital Painting - Simplify the Head.mp4
107. CtrlPaint Unplugged Crosshatching.mp4
108. Digital Painting - Constructing a Portfolio.mp4



