《Premiere视频编辑剪辑技巧高级教程》video2brain Premiere Elements 10

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中文名称: Premiere视频编辑剪辑技巧高级教程
外文名称: video2brain Premiere Elements 10
资源分类: 教程 视频编辑 剪辑技巧 video2brain Premiere
文件大小: 2.36G
资源格式: MP4视频格式


《Premiere视频编辑剪辑技巧高级教程》video2brain Premiere Elements 10-图片1

本教程是由video2brain机构出品的Premiere视频编辑剪辑技巧高级教程,时长:5小时,教程使用软件:Premiere Elements 10,德语。

Premiere Elements 10带来了“即时电影”(InstantMovie),可快速将多个视频片段制作成电影短片,而且还支持一键式、专业风格的色彩纠正和校准。
利用内容感应面部追踪技术,再加上缩放、平移等过渡特效,以及“智能音乐”(SmartSound),Premiere Elements 10可以轻松把照片集转换成有声有色的短片。
如果你正在使用64位版本的Windows 7,软件性能也会得到明显的增强。

video2brain Premiere Elements 10
They have spa? at the movies and liked to get the most out of your video? With Premiere Elements you have software on hand, which is powerful and yet easy to use. With this video tutorial, you have an expert on the page to take you from basic to become familiar with its handling, import your videos from you accompanied to the issue and a lot of tips for you for effects ready to stop.
Andre Babbage introduces himself and his video training.
Let us make the first steps in Premiere Elements 10! Andre Babbage explains step by step the basic features of Photoshop Elements, so you are able simplest possible to get the most out of your video out.
You see, how can import them via the Organizer and manage various media and how to cut video, over and hide the effects. A separate chapter deals with the various export formats, and you learn how to create finally a complete DVD with main and Kapitelmenu.
With the knowledge of image stabilization, animation, slow motion, and more video editing really makes Spa?
From the contents
10 Premiere Elements is a powerful video editing software from Adobe, specifically for home users was developed. This chapter provides an overview about the program – from initial start up to the user surface.
Media-import prospects, and secure
The Organizer in Photoshop Elements is the ideal platform to import media, sift and store. This chapter provides a survey of the major functions and views, to associate with it.
Bonus Chapter: media management with the Organizer
The Organizer is an efficient tool to create order in your media and to hold. He supports you in managing your video clips secure import, organize, search, print media, these are the issues at stake in this bonus chapter.
Add video clips, sorting and deleting
In Premiere Elements, you can choose between two editing views: Scenes and Timeline. Here you will learn about the functioning of the two windows and first steps of video editing.
Cut video clips
The central feature of Premiere Elements 10 is the video editing. This chapter provides an overview about the different ways to cut videos, and shows which method is best when.
Edit video clips
To manipulate the speed or direction of play, are very popular methods to edit video clips. Learn more about this in chapter four exciting effects – simple but effective: slow and fast motion, freeze and backwards playback.
About Transitions
Can transition between the individual video clips make you as hard or cut with the help of Uber fades. This chapter provides an insight into the various methods used to create transitions and perfectly fit into the clip.
It features more than 100 video effects to grouting. Get to know in this chapter, an exciting selection of them and find out how you desired term these effects in your video clips and adjust.
Clips and animate effect
In Premiere Elements, you can see photos, video clips and animation effects applied in addition to all yet. In this chapter you will learn how to edit your photo and video material, adjust and save the results as templates.
Superimpose video clips
In Premiere Elements, you can use for each project multiple video tracks simultaneously. About this through camps of several video clips, you can achieve interesting effects. This chapter demonstrates three possible superposition effects.
Title, cummerbund and credits
Each film should include a title and credits. Learn in this chapter, how to generate the start and end of a professional and appealing animated video clips.
Tone generating add and edit
Only the right tone lends a video of the intended dynamics and brings it to life. Learn in this chapter the most important foundations for your audio editing video footage.
Create a DVD
Of course, you can create with your finished video from Premiere Elements DVDs complete with chapter markers and menu. How are you, you will learn in this chapter – step by step.
The finished video or pictures, you can export in Premiere Elements Of course in many ways. This chapter demonstrates three different Nutzungsmoglichkeiten which presuppose each other processing.
Bonus Chapter: media management with the Organizer
The Organizer is an efficient tool to create order in your media and to hold. He supports you in managing your video clips secure import, organize, search, print media, these are the issues at stake in this bonus chapter.

《Premiere视频编辑剪辑技巧高级教程》video2brain Premiere Elements 10-图片2 《Premiere视频编辑剪辑技巧高级教程》video2brain Premiere Elements 10-图片2《Premiere视频编辑剪辑技巧高级教程》video2brain Premiere Elements 10-图片2 《Premiere视频编辑剪辑技巧高级教程》video2brain Premiere Elements 10-图片2



