《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking

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中文名称: 3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑
外文名称: Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking
资源分类: 教程 3dsmax 推土机建模 Eat3D Modeling
文件大小: 1.9G
资源格式: AVI视频格式 工程源文件


《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片1


在这张DVD中,讲师Laurens Corijn 演示如何建模和渲染一个高聚军事推土机教程。Laurens Corijn 解释了许多硬表面建模技术,这将有助于平滑,而不会挤压工件,帮你创建复杂的形状。接下来,您将学习如何添加一些简单的材料,然后渲染出不同的元素传递使用给mental ray。最后,所有的渲染通道都在Photoshop中处理,显示了如何组合他们的一些有趣的技巧和你的投资组合得到最终图像。

3D Studio Max,常简称为3ds Max或MAX,是Autodesk公司开发的基于PC系统的三维动画渲染和制作软件。其前身是基于DOS操作系统的3D Studio系列软件,最新版本是2012。在Windows NT出现以前,工业级的CG制作被SGI图形工作站所垄断。3D Studio Max + Windows NT组合的出现一下子降低了CG制作的门槛,首选开始运用在电脑游戏中的动画制作,后更进一步开始参与影视片的特效制作,例如X战警II,最后的武士等。
Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2012提供了强大的全新渲染工具集,加速的迭代工作流程,以及增强的互操作性,这些都可以从整体上极大的提升你的制作效率。

《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片2

Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking
In this DVD, Instructor Laurens Corijn continues from Part 1 and constructs the Low Poly version of the Dozer including the Modeling, UVing, and Baking. Laurens also starts each major section off with a brief introduction on what to expect during the process. He starts off by carefully modeling each section of the Dozer’s low poly mesh. Once the low poly is complete he goes into creating the complex UVs required for baking and texturing. Laurens then goes into baking out the normal and ambient occlusion maps. and finally applying and adjusting a shader in the 3ds Max viewport.
This DVD is perfect for those who want to want a comprehensive look at how to take a complicated high-poly vehicle and create a low-poly version ready for real-time applications and games.

《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3 《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3 《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3 《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3 《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3 《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3 《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3 《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3《3dsmax推土机建模教程第二辑》Eat 3D The Dozer Part 2 Low Poly Modeling UVing and Baking-图片3






