《Unity游戏骑士制作教程》Design3 Unity Knights 3D Game

AE模板《Unity游戏骑士制作教程》Design3 Unity Knights 3D Game已关闭评论1,482


中文名称: Unity游戏骑士制作教程
外文名称: Design3 Unity Knights 3D Game
资源分类: 教程 游戏制作教程 Design3 Unity
文件大小: 902 MB
资源格式: FLV视频格式


《Unity游戏骑士制作教程》Design3 Unity Knights 3D Game-图片1



Design3 Unity Knights 3D Game
Learn how to create an arcade minigame that you can customize with your own sounds and models! Punch knights out of the water, whack-a-mole style. In the process you'll learn about collision detection, raycasting, the Input class, the GUI system, very basic enemy AI, and designing and scaling a dynamic level system with javascript.

《Unity游戏骑士制作教程》Design3 Unity Knights 3D Game-图片2


