《modo 501先进技术教程第三辑》Elephorm Apprendre modo 501 Volume 3 modélisation architecturale

学习教程 最新资源《modo 501先进技术教程第三辑》Elephorm Apprendre modo 501 Volume 3 modélisation architecturale已关闭评论1,044


中文名称: modo 501先进技术教程第三辑
外文名称: Elephorm Apprendre modo 501 Volume 3 modélisation architecturale
资源分类: 教程 Elephorm modo 501
文件大小: 4.59 GB
资源格式: MP4视频格式


《modo 501先进技术教程第三辑》Elephorm Apprendre modo 501 Volume 3 modélisation architecturale-图片1

本教程是由Elephorm机构出品的modo 501先进技术教程第三辑,时长:11小时20分。


Elephorm Apprendre modo 501 Volume 3 modélisation architecturale
In this modo 501 training that complements the first and second volumes, Marc Hermitte, your Elephorm, you will learn the advanced techniques of speaking through a practical workshop in neat video tutorial you will create a futuristic corridor.
Modeling through the texturing and rendering 3D, you will turn, once the three volumes made, all the knowledge to master speaking.

《modo 501先进技术教程第三辑》Elephorm Apprendre modo 501 Volume 3 modélisation architecturale-图片2


《modo 501先进技术教程第三辑》Elephorm Apprendre modo 501 Volume 3 modélisation architecturale-图片3



