《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder

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中文名称: Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程
外文名称: Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques
资源分类: 教程 Shake 影视特效 表达式 脚本 宏定义
文件大小: 4.26 GB
资源格式: mov project


《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder-图片1


shake是一款由苹果公司推出的后期图像合成处理软件,秉承了优秀的苹果色彩处理技术,简单的节点滤镜操作,可以让画面达到完美的效果。在更新Time Capsule产品的同时,苹果似乎已经决定将停止提供Shake软件。Shake为影视编辑者们提供了创建电视和电影等精美视觉效果所需的一切工具。
如果你曾经使用过AfferEffects、Commotion或者combustion,Shake则更像是一个高端应用软件。AfferEffects与其它软件的工作方式不同,你不需要拖拽文件,然后应用滤镜;这个软件提供了一个基于节点的工作环境。刚开始的时候,这种操作方式是很让人畏缩的,但是它比你想象的更容易掌握。你可以把节点当作滤镜.文件输入或者脚本动作,所有这些都通过可视化的线条连接起来的,这种线条称之为面条(Noodles)。你可以在这样一个高度可视化的环境中,控制每一个节点以及它的特效序列。对于那些复杂的合成,它的确可以简化大量工作。 Shake的运行是与色彩深度和分辨率无关的,这意味着你可以导入任何图像,并有效的进行处理。假如你拍摄了一个电影场景,其中有一个黑色的电视屏幕;Shake可以让你方便的在电视屏幕上添加一段视频,无论你的拍摄镜头发生怎样的移动和变化,都保持这段视频位于电视屏幕上正确的位置,。像这样的复杂操作对于有经验的Shake用户来说,就是小事一桩。 这款软件的界面非常整洁,真是让人吃惊,考虑到这个程序的复杂性—Shake是一款如此庞大.尖端的程序,很多人都不敢想象无需参加长期的培训课程也能够使用它。但是,如果要真正掌握它还是需要一定的时间和脑力,然而回报也是非常可观的:你将获得对图像的高水平控制能力。

《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder-图片2

Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder
In this lecture, Matt Linder discusses the powerful flexibility of using the command line and expressions to take your compositing to a new level of speed and efficiency. Matt begins with basic Unix commands for your terminal or shell, showing how to navigate around directories and files, and leads into Shake commands that demonstrate the advantages of command line workflow. Command line tasks run much more efficiently when you do not need to load a user-interface. Matt shows how to composite, resize, color correct, transform and convert your images from the command line. He teaches how to set up batch scripts to run multiple tasks for nighttime renders or a distributed render, and how to build template scripts for repetitive tasks like title slates, wedges, video to film or film to video conversions. Matt uses simple math expressions to add new functionality to Shake, accessing and altering data anywhere in the workflow, linking node parameters, or creating random noise or sine wave expressions. He shows how to customize Shake’s interface, how to build your own Macros, and how to build your own Viewer Look-Up-Table.

《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder-图片3《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder-图片3《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder-图片3《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder-图片3《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder-图片3《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder-图片3《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder-图片3《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder-图片3《Shake影视特效合成表达式脚本宏定义高级教程》Gnomon Workshop Shake Expressions, Scripting and Macros VFX Compositing Techniques with Matt Linder-图片3



