《3dsmax着色器r|shaders 1.02破解版》r|shaders 1.02 for 3Ds MAX 2009-2012

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中文名称: 3dsmax着色器r|shaders 1.02破解版
外文名称: r|shaders 1.02 for 3Ds MAX 2009-2012
资源分类: 插件 着色器 r|shaders 3dsmax
文件大小: 245M
资源格式: exe exe crack


《3dsmax着色器r|shaders 1.02破解版》r|shaders 1.02 for 3Ds MAX 2009-2012 
《3dsmax着色器r|shaders 1.02破解版》r|shaders 1.02 for 3Ds MAX 2009-2012 《3dsmax着色器r|shaders 1.02破解版》r|shaders 1.02 for 3Ds MAX 2009-2012 《3dsmax着色器r|shaders 1.02破解版》r|shaders 1.02 for 3Ds MAX 2009-2012 《3dsmax着色器r|shaders 1.02破解版》r|shaders 1.02 for 3Ds MAX 2009-2012 

目前,越来越多的游戏以及应用程序都需要大量的shaders, 它是显卡的着色单元。

Alessandro Cangelosi发布了 r|shaders。
每一项都与扫描线渲染器和Mental Ray兼容, 对V-Ray, finalRender和Brazil r/s也有普遍支持。

集合定价$149美元, 在11月末会以$99美元发行。


R|shaders CZ 1.0的试验版本已准备好。
可在产品信息页下载。 特别促销价会延长至2011年11月底, 以便为产品测试提供时间。


r|shaders 1.02 for 3Ds MAX 2009-2012
r|shaders is a collection of procedural shaders for 3ds max. The 1st release named “Core Zero” will be the foundation version and it will includes 8 different shaders to give the possibility to create many kinds of natural surfaces.

Actual release includes the following shaders: Ice, Ocean, Sand, Snow, Ice Land, Snow Land, Magma and Ground. Majority of it was developed during R&D phases on commercial international projects like movie blockbusters, videogame cinematics, commercials etc. etc.

r|shaders user interface is simple and will expose complex procedurals network to the artist thought “natural” parameters.

With r|shaders, users can simulate a lot of natural surfaces using sigle shader or mixing more of it to create, for example, some snow area at cold temperature that can seems like ice. Rendering time, even at high resolutions, are generally very low.

Actually it is compatible with Scanline Render and Mental Ray, plus general support for 3rd party products like V-Ray, FinalRender, Brazil R/S and NodeJoe/Slate.

r|shaders core zero is a scripted plug-in written using MAXScript. Core Zero release will be followed by Core Next release that will be written using MetaSL, to be used natively in Mental Ray, to add more complex features like new and more realistic procedural algorithms, realtime visualization, etc.etc.

r|shaders core zero can be installed on Autodesk 3ds max 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012, (both 32/64bit).

Please refer to every single shader page to know more about its features.r|shaders is a collection of procedural shaders for 3ds max. The 1st release named “Core Zero” will be the foundation version and it will includes 9 different shaders to give the possibility to create many kinds of natural surfaces.



