本专辑是关于《生化危机4:重制版DLC艾达王篇》游戏配乐原声大碟OST音乐素材,大小:980 MB,格式:MP3/FLAC,压缩比率:320Kbps/无损,供广大设计师学习使用。人人素材分享
索尼PlayStation Blog发布了《生化危机4》艾达王DLC“逆命殊途”的详细介绍,该DLC将于9月21日上线。
1 Main Menu (Separate Ways)
2 Cutscene - Prelude
3 Cutscene - Black Robe Appears
4 Black Robe 1st Fight
5 Cutscene - Ada to Control
6 Castle High Ground
7 A Little Sightseeing
8 Catapults Again
9 The Black Robe Pursues
10 Gameover (Separate Ways)
11 Interlude (Separate Ways)
12 Until That One Night
13 Warm Welcome
14 Ada sees Leon
15 Cutscene - Ada Rings the Bell
16 Heading Towards the Manor
17 Serenity (Separate Ways)
18 Save Theme (Separate Ways)
19 Cutscene - Black Robe Reappears
20 Black Robe 2nd Fight
21 Cutscene - Black Robe Retreats
22 Cutscene - Ada Shoots Mendez
23 Entering the Factory
24 Factory Escape/Lab in Flames
25 Cutscene - Collapsing
26 Cutscene - Wesker does not Babysit
27 Echoes of the Night (Separate Ways)
28 Cutscene - Gigante Unleashed
29 Cutscene - Not a Negotiation
30 Cutscene - It's All Gone
31 Infiltration (Separate Ways)
32 Cutscene - Luis makes the Medicine
33 Cutscene - Hiding from the Black Robe
34 Follow the Footprints
35 The Sewers
36 Cutscene - Black Robe Final Confrontation
37 Pesanta Fight Phase 1
38 Cutscene - Pesanta's Second Form
39 Pesanta Fight Phase 2
40 Cutscene - Freed from the Parasite
41 Cutsene - Krauser's Not Getting Away
42 Path of Penitence
43 Cutsene - Good Boy
44 Cutsene - Change of Plans
45 Ada on the Island
46 Cutsene - Ada Sees Ashley and Leon
47 Defensive Turrets
48 Martinico Chase Part 1
49 Martinico Chase Part 2
50 Laser Hallway
51 Cutscene - Acrtivating the Bombs
52 Cutscene - Always a Away out
53 Race to the Altar
54 Cutscene - Saddler Captures Ada
55 Countdown to Destruction
56 Cutscene - Our Separate Ways
57 Cutscene - Changing Course
58 End Credits (Separate Ways)
59 Final Results (Separate Ways)
60 Cutscene - Wesker Continues as Planned
61 Laser Hallway (Calm)