《游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程》Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts with Cecil Kim

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中文名称: 游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程
外文名称: Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts
资源分类: 教程 手绘 游戏场景 Gnomon WorkShop
文件大小: 675m
资源格式: mov



《游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程》Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts with Cecil Kim-图片1

本教程是由Gnomon WorkShop机构出品的游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程,使用软件:Adobe Photoshop。

The Gnomon Workshop 艺术设计殿堂极力缔造者,由Gnomon出品的Gnomon Visual FX for Games: Real-Time Effects using Unreal Engine 3 (Unreal Engine 3游戏实时虚拟特效教程)。GNOMON教程,每每给我们于激情与期待!让我们在CG设计路上不再独行!让我们共同期待!让我们共同期待与业界CG顶尖设计师的面对面!少玩多花些时间多学习学习,让我们的商业作品与众不同!Gnomon的教程向来以其前沿的技术和清晰的视频质量而受到广大用户的青睐。

Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts with Cecil Kim

In this DVD, Cecil takes the initial idea sketches created from the first volume of this series, "Ideation Sketching" and paints them digitally using Adobe Photoshop®. From ten-minute building shading to coloring a vista layout for a fantasy city, Cecil will use basic painting layer techniques to put down value, color and lighting into multiple scenes. During this process, Cecil will also edit the structure design of some sketches as he paints them. Watch as Cecil breaks down his efficient workflow; demonstrating how he preserves line drawings as he separates value and color in multiple layers, and focuses more on readability and defining shapes rather than surface material rendering. This technique allows him to quickly present painting concepts for a production team to review. Instructor for this title: Cecil Kim

《游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程》Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts with Cecil Kim-图片2


1. Applying Value and Shading : Building Unit B1
2. Applying Value and Shading : Building Unit C1
3. Applying Value and Shading : Building Unit D1
4.1. Painting in Color Part 1: Byzantine Fallout
4.2. Painting in Color Part 2 : Byzantine Fallout
5.1. Fantasy Concept Part 1 : Cloud City
5.2. Fantasy Concept Part 2 : Cloud City
6.1. Hi-Level Production Art Part 1: Canal City
6.2. Hi-Level Production Art Part 2: Canal City

《游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程》Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts with Cecil Kim-图片3《游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程》Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts with Cecil Kim-图片3《游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程》Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts with Cecil Kim-图片3《游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程》Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts with Cecil Kim-图片3《游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程》Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts with Cecil Kim-图片3《游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程》Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts with Cecil Kim-图片3

《游戏场景绘制高级手绘教程》Gnomon WorkShop Environment Art Direction for Games Volume 2: Painting Concepts with Cecil Kim-图片4
Concept Designer 概念设计师
Cecil Kim has been working as a concept artist and illustrator in the entertainment industry for the past 15 years. Originally from Seoul, Korea, Cecil moved to the U.S. with a dream to pursue an art career, and studied Illustration and Fine Arts at the prestigious Art Center College of Design. Cecil began his career in the game industry as a cinematic storyboard artist for SquareUSA. With strong layout and detailed environment sketches, he began designing memorable locations in Final Fantasy IX and later joined Sony Santa Monica Studio where he devoted seven years of his career creating the God of War series as Visual Development Lead. Cecil also teaches at various institutions such as Gnomon School of Visual Effects, Art Center College of Design and Otis College of Art and Design where he serves as Concept Art Area Head. From hi-level production art to prop design, Cecil's intuitive and energetic artistic style has been inspirational creative fuel to the directors and production team at Sony Santa Monica.

Cecil Kim在娱乐工业做作为概念设计和插画师已经超过15年,最初在Seoul, Korea, 然后以艺术职业梦想到U.S.并且在有声望的Art Center College of Design(设计艺术中心学院)教授插画和美术.Cecil Kim以作为SquareUSA的电影故事板艺术家开始他的职业生涯.以他强烈的布局和细节化的环境速写,他在<最终幻想 IX >(Final Fantasy IX )中留下值得纪念的位置.然后加入索尼(Sony Santa Monica Studio)开始建立<战神>(God of War )系列........




