《MARI纹理绘制3D软件1.4v1b1 Win64位破解版》The Foundry Mari 1.4v1b1 Win64

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《MARI纹理绘制3D软件1.4v1b1 Win64位破解版》The Foundry Mari 1.4v1b1 Win64-图片1 
MARI纹理绘制3D软件1.4v1b1 Win64位破解版

Mari是由The foundry开发的一款具有创新概念的纹理绘制工具。在这次更新上,最重要的是Mari终于能够在Window下运作,并且还增加了如:TGA格式支持、FBX Camera导入等功能。
MARI是一款全新的具有创造性的3D纹理绘制产品,最初在Weta Digital开发,主要用来解决高细节的纹理问题,后被用于影片《阿凡达》、《第九区》等的开发制作中。MARI能够轻松处理高细节——数以万计的复杂纹理——快速且简单。
MARI深受欢迎,并收到了来自各式各样的纹理绘制社区的预定请求,这其中不乏Double Negative和Framestore这样的大客户。

The Foundry Mari 1.4v1b1 Win64
MARI allows artists to concentrate on painting detailed, multi-layered textures directly onto 3D models in a fluid and natural way. MARI was originally conceived at Weta Digital, because no existing commercial product could handle the complex, highly detailed look development work required by films such as District 9 and Avatar.

MARI has been designed by artists to give them immediate feedback, in context, working with multiple interacting models from any angle and in animated motion. MARI’s responsive creative toolset allows painting to be completed in a single application, reducing the need to export, paint in 2D and re-import.
Adept at scaling, MARI will adapt to deliver on often unforeseen production requirements.

《MARI纹理绘制3D软件1.4v1b1 Win64位破解版》The Foundry Mari 1.4v1b1 Win64-图片2
《MARI纹理绘制3D软件1.4v1b1 Win64位破解版》The Foundry Mari 1.4v1b1 Win64-图片2
《MARI纹理绘制3D软件1.4v1b1 Win64位破解版》The Foundry Mari 1.4v1b1 Win64-图片2

