《Evermotion模型与纹理贴图1-97合辑 80G》Evermotion 3D Models Collection Vol.1-97

3D 模型 最新资源《Evermotion模型与纹理贴图1-97合辑 80G》Evermotion 3D Models Collection Vol.1-97已关闭评论1,436
中文名称: Evermotion模型与纹理贴图1-97合辑 80G
外文名称: Evermotion 3D Models Collection Vol.1-97
资源分类: Evermotion 模型 纹理贴图 max vray Textures
文件大小: 80G
资源格式: max vray Textures RAR


《Evermotion模型与纹理贴图1-97合辑 80G》Evermotion 3D Models Collection Vol.1-97


Evermotion机构成立于1998年由克里斯托弗M. Kundzicz别名PENdzel创立,是世界上最大的CG资源网站之一。 Evermotion创建和开发的产品,帮助我们的三维可视化,加快我们的工作流程和提高自身素质,成为CG艺术家的捷径。


每款都由模型和纹理处理的高品质场景。是你蜕变成CG专业设计师的捷径素材,极具商业应用价值,你会在基中发现应该真谛。为设计师必藏品!Evermotion出品的精品3D模型,Archinteriors 专业的室内环境,汽车模型,场景模型,支持 3ds max 7 和 vray 1.5 R2 以上版本,均为高质量模型。拥有了它你就可以用漂亮的3D模型等。它为专业人士提供了专业级的高质量模型,使他们能够从长时间乏味的模型制作中解脱出来,去完成更令人惊异的场景。通过本超时尚与精细3D模型库,你向顶级设计师不再是难处。同时可能过学习本模型库你的启迪与受益无穷。你的建筑设计不再是难题,让你发更多的时间在创新上。

Evermotion 3D Models Collection
3D Models | format: max (vray) with Textures
Evermotion was founded in 1998 by Krzysztof M. Kundzicz alias PENdzel, in the Polish city of Bialystok. Our portal unites CG fans and Professionals alike and our success has made us one of the largest CG resource sites in the world. Evermotion creates and develops products that help CG artists with their 3d visualizations by speeding up their workflow and increasing their quality of output. Why waste costly time in development when you can have Evermotion tailor itself to your exact CG output needs? Besides this we're always willing to help CG fans with their journey through the third dimensional world and therein share our vast body of knowledge.

We are looking for people who would like to join the redaction team. If you are interested in that, you are efficient, know the English language and have some free time then please send us an e-mail. We are enlarging our commercial offerings as well as expanding our free section and soon we will be providing short movies.


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