《PS概念艺术设计外形生物绘制教程》Digital-Tutors Professional Series Creature Design and Development Techniques

学习教程 最新资源《PS概念艺术设计外形生物绘制教程》Digital-Tutors Professional Series Creature Design and Development Techniques已关闭评论948
中文名称: PS概念艺术设计外形生物手绘绘制教程
外文名称: Digital-Tutors Professional Series Creature Design and Development Techniques
资源分类: 教程 PS CS5 概念艺术 手绘
文件大小: 345m
资源格式: flv porject rar

《PS概念艺术设计外形生物绘制教程》Digital-Tutors Professional Series Creature Design and Development Techniques

本教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的PS概念艺术设计外形生物手绘绘制教程,时长1小时17分,附工程源文件,使用软件:Photoshop CS5 and up。

《PS概念艺术设计外形生物绘制教程》Digital-Tutors Professional Series Creature Design and Development Techniques《PS概念艺术设计外形生物绘制教程》Digital-Tutors Professional Series Creature Design and Development Techniques《PS概念艺术设计外形生物绘制教程》Digital-Tutors Professional Series Creature Design and Development Techniques《PS概念艺术设计外形生物绘制教程》Digital-Tutors Professional Series Creature Design and Development Techniques《PS概念艺术设计外形生物绘制教程》Digital-Tutors Professional Series Creature Design and Development Techniques《PS概念艺术设计外形生物绘制教程》Digital-Tutors Professional Series Creature Design and Development Techniques
CS5加入了全面改进后的高清视频渲染引擎Mercury,尤其是其视频处理软件Premiere Pro。Mercury可以利用显卡的图形处理能力加速对高清格式视频的编解码和播放,当然不是所有的显卡,由于和NVIDIA之前达成的协议,Mercury只 支持NVIDIA的显卡。

CS5的另一个亮点是新增了一款软件Flash Catalyst,这款新的软件将作为Flash的另一个选择专门为 设计师和美工量身定做,以挑战微软Expression Studio。
Digital-Tutors - Professional Series - Creature Design and Development Techniques1 hrs. 17 min. |Released on April 4, 2011 |Project Files Included (33 MB) Required Software: Photoshop CS5 and up
In this collection of lessons we will learn about the process of designing and developing an alien creature for production.
The objectives for this fast-pace, intensive course are to help you understand the process of designing a creature from start to finish, for a 3d production pipeline. Now, several of the design decisions will be directly influenced by the feedback we receive from other artists in the pipeline. By the end of this training, you will have the ability to take this process and apply it to your own creature designs with the understanding of what you as the concept artist can do to make the other jobs of the artists easier.

11 videos in this course

1. Introduction and project overview
2. Quick concept review - part 1
3. Quick concept review - part 2
4. Combining feedback from initial concepts
5. Revisions and fine tuning our creatures head and torso
6. Exploring extremities
7. Putting it all together
8. Back to the drawing board for more feet
9. Orthographic drawings: front view
10. Orthographic drawings: back view
11. Surface separations and closing thoughts


  1. PS概念艺术设计外形生物绘制教程》Digital-Tutors Professional Series Creature
  2. http://www.rr-sc.com/thread-28330-1-1.html

