《视觉特效盛宴教程》FXPHD BKD210 Visual Effects Supervisors

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《视觉特效盛宴教程》FXPHD BKD210 Visual Effects Supervisors-图片1
fxphd备受赞誉的基础课程“Background Fundamentals”。这个堪比电视节目的课程是fxphd所有课程的基础部分,收录的课题广泛,几乎涵盖所有应用软件及Previs(视觉预览), matte painting, e-cinematography(电子摄影), 以及Digital Intermediate(DI-后期矫色)的流程。

当今大型电影绝伦的特效,不禁让你要惊叹其合成的逼真与强大!!fxphd 教育机构出品的教程,相信大家都知道,都为业界的高端教程。

《视觉特效盛宴教程》FXPHD BKD210 Visual Effects Supervisors-图片2《视觉特效盛宴教程》FXPHD BKD210 Visual Effects Supervisors-图片2《视觉特效盛宴教程》FXPHD BKD210 Visual Effects Supervisors-图片2《视觉特效盛宴教程》FXPHD BKD210 Visual Effects Supervisors-图片2《视觉特效盛宴教程》FXPHD BKD210 Visual Effects Supervisors-图片2《视觉特效盛宴教程》FXPHD BKD210 Visual Effects Supervisors-图片2《视觉特效盛宴教程》FXPHD BKD210 Visual Effects Supervisors-图片2
FXPHD BKD210 Visual Effects Supervisors
This term, to mark our 10th Background Fundamentals, we’ve got a blockbuster in store for fxphd members. Throughout the term, we’ll look at what it means to be a Visual Effects Supervisor. What are the pressures, the roles and how do you manage a large Hollywood film?
To find out, we engage in lengthy discussions with the world’s best supervisors including John Knoll, Scott Squires, John Dykstra, Pablo Helman, Dennis Murren, Mike Fink, Ken Ralston, Kim Libreri and others. These are some of the finest visual effects specialists in the industry with a stunning 5 technical or special Oscars, 24 Oscar nominations and 14 Academy Award wins between them. This truly one of the most accomplished group of visual effects experts ever assembled.

Class 1: How to break down a script and pick approaches, Part 1
Class 2: How to break down a script and pick approaches, Part 2
Class 3: A look at pre-viz and storyboarding
Class 4: On set issues with choices to be made
Class 5: Working with both the Director and other crew
Class 6: Selling the shot and managing the team, Part 1
Class 7: Exploring the team; a look at the world of TVC and managing multiple houses.
Class 8: Studio pressures, working well with other houses
Class 9: Pipeline, infrastructure, R&D and the negatives of being a VFX supervisor.
Class 10: What it takes to become a serious member of the VFX community.

