《C4D R13官方完整破解版PC/Mac》MAXON Cinema4D R13 FULL ISO PC/MAC MUS3

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《C4D R13官方完整破解版PC/Mac》MAXON Cinema4D R13 FULL ISO PC/MAC MUS3

“CINEMA4D R13的是大量的效率增强功能,以满足多协作,增压挑战,我们的客户每天都要面对的,”哈拉尔Egel国家。“在扩大自己的能力感兴趣的艺术家一定会喜欢的新的字符的工具,当然,物理渲染与立体功能提供身临其境的娱乐新方式是令人难以置信的重要。“

CINEMA 4D的13版的主要亮点:
MAXON公司提供了四种版本的CINEMA 4D的,每个餐饮3D艺术家在不同行业的需求。注意:下面列出的功能可能无法在每一个配置。
数字艺术家们都在不断努力,以改善其图像的质量。这个新版本为CINEMA 4D的用户一个新的工具,以帮助实现他们渴望的现实主义的捆绑。
高效的次表面散射:现在,用户可以有效地创建半透明材料,如牛奶,皮肤和蜡与新的物理渲染和CINEMA 4D的标准渲染引擎包括一个新的次表面散射着色。

《C4D R13官方完整破解版PC/Mac》MAXON Cinema4D R13 FULL ISO PC/MAC MUS3
《C4D R13官方完整破解版PC/Mac》MAXON Cinema4D R13 FULL ISO PC/MAC MUS3

"CINEMA 4D Studio is the very best that MAXON has to offer for professional 3D artists. If you want to create advanced 3D graphics but need a helping hand to ensure you create jaw-dropping graphics quickly and easily, then this is the choice for you.As well as containing all of the features found in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize and Broadcast, CINEMA 4D Studio adds advanced character tools, hair, a physics engine and an unlimited clients network for rendering. The result is that CINEMA 4D Studio can tackle any project you throw at it with ease. CINEMA 4D Studio's character tools make it easy to create character rigs and advanced character animations. Adding hair or fur to characters is fast and simple with a powerful suite of hair tools that you can grow, comb, style and animate. The physics engine, which was overhauled in R12, makes it simple to perform complex collisions and interaction between objects, be it just a few or thousands. Network rendering allows you to take advantage of all computers on your network to help render your animations faster. Despite being designed for advanced 3D, the extra tools found in CINEMA 4D Studio are still designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Generating advanced 3D effects such as hair is surprisingly easy and fast, with CINEMA 4D doing much of the work for you. For example, hair will automatically swoosh and sway as you move your character around; and making thousands of objects collide with each other only takes a few mouse clicks to set up. CINEMA 4D Studio lets you unleash your creativity and enjoy 3D without limits."

《C4D R13官方完整破解版PC/Mac》MAXON Cinema4D R13 FULL ISO PC/MAC MUS3
《C4D R13官方完整破解版PC/Mac》MAXON Cinema4D R13 FULL ISO PC/MAC MUS3


