
学习教程 最新资源《手工草绘汽车设计高级教程》已关闭评论1,140





Harald Belker

Concept Designer

本教程是Harald Belker大师这个系列第一部。
Harald graduated with honors from the Transportation Design program at Art Center College of Design in 1990. After graduating he went to work for Porsche in Stuttgart, Germany and then moved on to the Advanced Design Studio for Mercedes-Benz in Orange County, California. After his automotive design experience he moved into doing design work for the entertainment industry. He has designed vehicles and props for numerous motion pictures, including Batman & Robin, Armageddon, Deep Blue Sea, Inspector Gadget, Battlefield Earth, Spider-Man, Minority Report, XXX, The Cat in the Hat, and Superman.


Gnomon The Techniques of Harald Belker 1 Introduction to Car Design and Drawing

When designing automobiles, the ability to sketch well is absolutely essential. The skill of showing a design on paper enables the designer to communicate with others. In a step-by-step demonstration Harald will share his approach to quick sketching, design strategy, styling tips, and the process he takes to fialize a design direction. He concludes with the execution a final line drawing that presents a dynamic view of his vehicle.



2.White Page
3.Fill the Page
4.Finding a Design
5.A Dynamic View
6.Final Line Drawing
7.Scan Your Drawing
