Gnomon workshop是世界权威的CG视频网站. 他们在CG视频教程中是高质量的代名词。他们定期邀请全世界的顶尖CG艺术家来为他们制作CG视频教程,内容涵盖面非常广。
GNOMON教程,每每给我们于激情与期待!让我们在CG设计路上不再独行!让我们共同期待!让我们共同期待与业界CG顶尖设计师的面对面!少玩多花些时间多学习学习,让我们的商业作品与众不同! Gnomon的教程向来以其前沿的技术和清晰的视频质量而受到广大用户的青睐.
Motion Control and Flashlights | .flv | 273Mb
In this presentation Grzegorz talks about the inspirations and creative process of his award winning shorts Ark and Legacy, as well as building miniature sets, lighting and filming backgrounds using Milo motion control rig, tracking, integrating cg characters into these sets and compositing with practical and digital elements. The presentation covers a simple pipeline, quite similar in both films, as well as the communication challenges between the director and a team of artists around the globe.